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~Kenna's POV~

      So, Jon Snow, the black haired boy, explained everything that they were talking about to me, including his name. I ask him, "Are you sure you're okay with never having any sons or daughters? A wife?" He says, "I know that it's important, but this is also important for me. I've wanted to be in the Night's Watch since I was a boy." I say, "Well go for it. Before you go though, could you teach me how to use a sword? I figure it could be useful in the future. I mean, I've fenced before, but I have a feeling that it's quite different."

      He says, "I don't think I would have the time since I'm leaving today, but you could have Robb teach you. He's quite good as well. " I nod and leaves with the sword.

      Some time passes and Jon is getting ready to leave, along with the two girls I saw earlier when I first arrived and their father. I'm putting up my bows and arrows and I look over at Robb, who's looking at me. Jon walks over with his saddle over his shoulder and they talk.

      I can faintly hear them. Robb asks, "You've said goodbye to Bran?" I guess Bran is the boy that fell from the tower. Jon nods and Robb states, "He's not going to die. I know it. Jon says, "You Stark's are hard to kill." Robb asks, "My mother?" Jon replies, "She was very kind." By the way he said that, I could tell that he was lying. But why would she not like him? Just because he's a bastard?

      Robb says, "Good." Jon saddles his horse and Robb says, "Next time I see you, you'll be all in black." Jon shurgs, "It was always my color." I smirk. Robb says, "Farewell, Snow." Jon says, "And you, Stark." They do have a sort of resemblance. They hug and I smile.

      They all leave and I'm walking with Robb. He's told me about the members of the family and about Jon being their father's bastard. Right now we're walking to Bran's chambers. He wanted to check on his brother.

      As we approach the semi open door, we hear someone talking to his mom, "It's time we reviewed the accounts my lady. You'll want to know how much the royal visit has cost us." We just stand here, listening. She says, "Talk to Poole about it." The man explains, "Poole went south with Lord Stark, my lady. We need a new steward, and there are several other appointments that require our immediate attention-" She yells, frustrated, "I don't care about appointments!" Robb walks in, me right behind him. He says, "I'll make the appointments. We'll talk about it first thing in the morning." The old man says, "Very good, my lord." 

      I look at his mom and she's making a sort of doll, trying to hold back her tears. She looks at me and Robb and then just looks back down. He excuses himself, "My lady," and leaves abruptly. Robb opens up one of the windows and I stay put. The second he opens the windows, there's barking and howling. Something must be upsetting the dogs. 

      Robb asks, "When was the last time you left this room?" His mother responds, "I have to take care of him." I'm getting immediate deja vu. Robb says, "He's not going to die, mother. Maester Luwin says the most dangerous time has passed." She asks, "What if he's wrong? Bran needs me." Robb says, "Rickon needs you. He's six." The dogs start barking and howling louder. He continues, "He doesn't know what's happening. He follows me around all day." He's not wrong, I'm surprised he isn't following us around right now. We've barely spoken, but he's adorable and a sweetheart. Robb continues, "Clutching my leg, crying-" but his mom yells at him to close the windows. I say, "My lady, If I may, I know what you're feeling right now. I lost my little sister when I was 8. She was 2 years old; we had gotten into an accident and she fell into a coma as well. I was worried that she wouldn't wake up, but she did a few days later."

      She asks, "I thought you just said she died?" I explain, "She had internal bleeding and we found out when It was too late. My point is, most coma patients wake after just three weeks. I can see he's a strong boy. If you just have faith, I'm sure he will pull through just fine." She ignores me as the dogs how louder. She yells, "I can't stand it! Please make them stop!" He looks out the window and says, "Fire." What? He looks at me, "Stay here and protect them. I'll be right back." I nod and me and his mom walk over to the window. There's a bell ringing. It's not a large fire, but it's big enough to catch everyone's attention. 

      We turn around and there's an old man wearing a hoodie. He says to us, "You're not supposed to be here. No one is supposed to be here." He looks at Bran, "It's a mercy. He's dead already." He pulls out a large, shiny, fancy knife. Oh, boy...

- End of Chapter Ten - 

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