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~Kenna's POV~

      We're walking back to our chambers, Xaro and his soldiers behind us. Danny explains, "The Spice King refuses me because I'm a bad investment. The Silk King won't support me because of his business with the Lannister's. Why offend his best customer? And the Copper King offers me a single ship on the condition that I lie with him for a night. Does he think I will whore myself for a boat?"

      Xaro repeats, once again, "When I came to this city, I had nothing. Truly nothing. I slept by the docks. And when I could find work loading the ships, I would eat. If not, I dreamed of food. Today I am the richest man in Qarth. Do you think the path from poverty to wealth is always pure and honorable? I have done many things, Khaleesi, that a righteous man would condemn. And here I am, with no regrets." 

      He opens the door and we walk in. The second we do, there's dead dothraki everywhere. I grab my bow and get an arrow ready. Danny runs up and I'm right behind her. Xaro yells, "Bar the gates! Ring the bells!" Kovarro is behind us, running up the stairs. Xaro tries to make Daenerys slow down, but she's not even close to doing so. I wouldn't either; I'm not.

      We run up more stairs, past more dead bodies. We enter the room and Danny notices the dragons are gone. Irri is on the ground, motionless, dead, and Danny goes to her. Danny yells as Xaro and Kovarro appear, "Where are my dragons?!"


      Danny hasn't slept yet, which means neither have I. She's been staring at the empty crates where the dragons used to be, not saying anything but clearly upset. She walks over to them again, silent. Jorah walks in. Danny turns to him, "You came back." He says, "As soon as I heard. Do you know anything?" She shakes her head and I say, "Irri is dead."

      He nods, "I know. She was a good--" but Danny interrupts, nearly crying, "She's dead. She died alone. She died for me, and I couldn't protect her." I put my hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. She just looks at me and looks back down.

      Jorah asks, "Doreah?" Danny shakes her head and I respond, "We can't find her." Danny walks over to the windowsill, "She must be dead, too. I led my people out of the red waste and into the slaughterhouse." Jorah insists, "I should have been here." Danny says, "you went to find me a ship." He says, "My place is by your side. I shouldn't have left you alone with these people." She asks, "These people?"

      Jorah says, "They are not to be trusted." Danny asks, "And who is to be trusted? Who are my people? The Targaryens? I only knew one: my brother, and he would have let a thousand men rape me if it had got him the crown. The Dothraki? Most of them turned on me the day that Khal Drogo fell from his horse."

      Jorah says, "Your people are in Westeros." She refutes, "The people in Westeros don't know I'm alive." Jorah states, "They will soon enough." She argues, "And then what? They'll pray for my return? They'll wave dragon banners and shout my name? That's what my brother believed and he was a fool."

      Jorah says, "You are not your brother. Trust me, Khaleesi." She holds her self, "There it is--'trust me.' And it's you I should trust, Ser Jorah? Only you? I don't need trust any longer. I don't want it and I don't have room for it."

      Jorah walks over to her and I already know that there won't be a good outcome. He says, "You're too young to be so--" She interrupts, "And you are too familiar." He backs away and we share a look. She's just hurt right now. He lightly bows, "Forgive me, Khaleesi. No one can survive in this world without help. No one. Let me help you, please. Tell me how."

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