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~Kenna's POV ~

      Hodor nods, saying his name again, and scoops up Bran like an injured baby bird or something. Bran just looks at me and he's brought past me and I follow behind them. I walk ahead of them and arrive before they do. As I arrive, I see Tyrion. He says, "I must say I recieved a slightly warmer welcome on my last visit." 

      I walk past him and behind Robb. He looks at me and we both nod politely to each other. There's a man next to him. Me and Robb take a slide glance at each other and he clears his throat, "Any man of the knights watch is welcome at Winterfell." Tyrion asks, "Any man of the knights watch, but not I, eh boy?" 

      Robb spits, "I'm not your boy, Lannister. I'm Lord of Winterfell while my father's away." Tyrion says, "Then you might learn a lord's courtesy." They're clearly very salty towards each other. The door opens again and Hodor comes in with Theon and Bran. Tyrion looks at bran, "So it's true." He wouldn't have had that reaction if he had pushed Bran out of the tower...He continues, "Hello, Bran. Do you remember anything about what happened?" 

      The old man sitting next to Robb says, "He has no memory of that day." Tyrion says, "Curious..." I don't believe, deep down in my heart, that Tyrion had something to do with Bran's fall. Robb asks, "Why are you here?" Tyrion asks Bran, "Would your charming companion be so kind as to kneel? My neck is beginning to hurt." Bran instructs, "Kneel, Hodor." Hodor does as he's told. 

      Tyrion asks, "Do you like to ride, Bran?" Bran answers, "Yes. Well, I mean I DID like to." The old man says, "The boy has lost the use of his legs." Tyrion says, "What of it? With the right horse and saddle, even a cripple can ride." Bran denies, "I'm not a cripple." Tyrion says, "Then I'm not a dwarf. My father will rejoice to hear it." I smile. He may be a suspect to Robb, but it is very hard for me to resist sarcasm. 

      Tyrion continues, "I have a gift for you." He gives Bran a rolled up paper, "Give that to your saddler. He'll provide the rest. You must shape the horse to the rider, " Bran unfolds the scroll, "Start with a yearling and teach it to respond to the reins and to the boys voice." Bran asks, hopeful, "Will I really be able to ride?" Tyrion answers, "You will. On horseback, you'll be as tall as any of them." Robb asks, skeptical, "Is this some kind of trick? Why do you want to help him?"

      Tyrion replies, "I have a tender spot for cripples, bastards and broken things." Bran smiles and so do I. Why would Tyrion help if he wanted him dead? Robb says, "You've done my brother a kindness. The hospitality of Winterfell is yours." Tyrion rolls his eyes, "spare me your false courtesies, Lord Stark. There's a brothel outside your walls. There I'll find bed, and both of us can sleep easier." Tyrion leaves and Theon follows suit. 

      A few hours have passed and they've already started working on Bran's horse. Right now, Robb is having me stay with Bran for a little while while he studies and Theon is here as well. Me and Theon are both shooting arrows. He's quite good, I'll give him that, but he's not as good as me. The old man calls, "Bran: the iron islands." Bran answers, "Sigil, a kraken. Words: we do not sow." It's a good thing I'm here. I can learn along with him. 

      The man asks, "Lords?" Bran replies, "The Greyjoys." I look at Theon as he turns around, "Famed for their skills at archery, navigation, and lovemaking." Vamping. I roll my eyes and the old man inputs, "And failed rebellions." I shake my head, smiling, and shoot another arrow. The old man taps the map on the table in front of them and Bran says, "Sigil: a stag-A crowned stag now that Robert's king." The old man taps another spot and they continue to talk. It all becomes muffled as I draw another arrow. Something feels weird. I release the arrow and suddenly I see Kelly. Instead of a sword going through her chest, it's my arrow. I gasp and I can see Theon, along with others, looking at me. She drops to her knees and blood flows out of her mouth like water...

- End of Chapter Fifteen -

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