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~ Kenna's POV ~

It's been a few hours. The man who usually questions me comes in and he's not alone. With him is the two boys that tied me to the pole. He bends down and asks, "I'm going to ask you only one more time, girl, where did you get the coin?" I say, my voice flat and lifeless, "I found it in the pond." He sighs and says, "Explain what happened before you found it."

I start, "We drove to the pond. Kelly said her friend saw it and we thought we could just go swimming. When we got up the hill, " I get flashbacks as I talk, "There was this weird sort of rush of air. It stopped us in our tracks. We just thought it was normal. Then I saw the coin at the bottom. When I swam up, you guys had taken Kelly and now we're here. But..."

He asks, "What? What is it?" I explain, "When the wind rushed by, I heard a whisper." He asks, "What did it say?" I look at him, "Winter is coming." He just looks at the boys and I continue, "night before last I saw something...in a dream. I saw men, made out of ice. There was a white haired woman and dragons, there's men fighting on horses and a baby in the woods." I look up at the black haired boy, "You were fighting in a war." I look back at the father, "I saw you getting your head cut off. The woman with the dark red hair gets her throat cut open. Then a woman with dark red hair wearing a red dress and a weird necklace said to tell you something."

I look at the scared man, "Winter is coming. Trust no one." He looks like he's in thought and I beg, "Please, let me go. I don't know anything more." He just looks at me and a tear falls. He stands up, "Untie her. Bring her to Sansa's room and get her a healer." He leaves and Robb unties me, helping me stand up. The dark haired boy asks me, "Did you really see all of that?" I nod and he asks, "Do you believe that it's true?" I shake my head, "I don't know. It was just a dream." He nods and Robb picks me up.

He smells nice. I lay my head in the crook of his neck and he carries me to a room with a large fur blanket. He lays me down and he says, "I'm sorry about everything that's happened." I say, my voice low, "it wasn't your fault. It was mine...I should have made her stay home or drive somewhere else. That's what happens to the people I care about. First my brothers...now Kelly." He just look at me and a woman comes in.

She says, "I'd leave if I were you. She'll need to get dressed." Robb nods, his cheeks slightly red, and leaves, looking at me one last time before she shuts the door...


      The woman bandaged me up and gave me a bath. The blood is gone, but the bruises remain. I was given a dress by Robb and I've just gotten dressed (picture above). I told him that I'm not comfortable wearing a dress. At least not now. 

      Once I'm done, someone knocks and I announce, "Come in." He enters and I turn around. He looks me up and down and clears his throat, "Being as we don't know where you're from or how to take you home, we thought you should stay here." I ask, "I agree, but...what would I do here?" He looks nervous and suggests, "You could be my personal squire." 

      I ask, "So, I would be running errands for you, carrying your things?" He states, "And more, yes, if need be. Most of the time you would be at my side." I suddenly get a rush of heat in my cheeks and nod, "O-okay. If it's no problem." He nods, "Alright. Well, I have to meet my mother, but you can walk around if you'd like." I nod and he leaves. 

      I walk out and see everyone outside. Some people are looky-loos while others are busing running their own errands. I see the dwarf; he slaps the young prince!

- End of Chapter Eight - 

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