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~Kenna's POV~

      We're walking in tall grass and white sand and hop off of our horses at the water. Jorah and Ser Barristan come over, enjoying a conversation together. It seems Jorah is warming up to Ser Barristan's company rather nicely. 

      The horses drink the water and relax for a little bit. They stay back and talk while I'm here with Danny and Missandei. The officers come up to us and Danny asks, "These are the ones?" Missandei answers, "Yes, Khaleesi. These are the officers." They stop.

      Danny says, "you do not choose this life. But you are free men now. And free men make their own choices. Have you selected your own leader from amongst your ranks?" They move out of the way, revealing a single officer. He sticks his spear in the sand and walks over. Danny commands, "Remove your helmet." He does as he's told and Missandei looks quite taken with him already. I smile.

      The officer says, "This one has the honor." I ask, in Valyrian, "What is your name?" He answers, "Grey Worm." Danny repeats it. Missandei explains, "All Unsullied boys are given knew names when they are cut--Grey Worm, Red Flea, Black Rat. Names that remind them what they are--vermin." Danny insists, "From this day forward, you will choose your own names. You will tell your fellow soldiers to do the same. Throw away your slave name. Choose the name your parents gave you, or any other. A name that gives you pride."

      Grey Worm says, "'Grey Worm' gives me pride. It is a lucky name. The name this one was born with was cursed. That was the name he had when he was taken as a slave. But Grey Worm is the name this one had the day Daenerys Stormborn set him free." Danny looks proud and Grey Worm slightly smiles. We all get back on our horses. I say, "Pardon me for a moment," And rush to Jorah and Ser Barristan's side. They look curiously at me and ask, "Is something wrong?"

      I shake my head, "I was just wondering if either of you men are able to find Robb Stark for me and get him a letter from me. It's important." They nod and I hand them the letter that I wrote last night. I might not be able to see Robb right now, but he deserves to know that I'm here and that he has children. They take it and I stop, waiting for Danny to catch up while I rub my belly, smiling and thinking of him. I wonder how He's doing.


      Jorah has found someone to find and deliver my letter to Robb. I wonder what I'll hear back. We've just arrived at Yunki. As we walk, Jorah says, "Yunkai. The Yellow City." Ser Barristan says, "The Yunkish train bed slaves, not soldiers. We can beat them." Jorah says, "On the field, with ease. But they won't meet us on the field. They have prisoners, patience, and strong walls. If they're wise, they'll hide behind those walls and chip away at us, man by man."

      Danny states, "I don't want half my army killed before I've crossed the Narrow Sea." I say, "We don't need Yunkai, my queen. Taking this city will not bring you any closer to Westeros or the Iron Throne." She looks at me and nods. She asks, "How many slaves are there in Yunkai?" Jorah answers, "200,000, if not more." She looks at him, "Then we have 200,000 reasons to take the city." She tells Grey Worm, "Send a man to the city gates. Tell the slavers I will receive them here, and accept their surrender. Otherwise, Yunkai will suffer the same fate as Astapor." He nods and leaves.

      All unsullied stand at the ready as the Yunkai people arrive. One of the soldiers beat a drum, letting us know that they're coming. We've made a small camp and we've changed. Danny is sitting down, waiting like a true queen while I stand in between Jorah and Ser Barristan. Missandei stands at the end by the food and water.

      The man arrives and his slaves set him down. The drumming stop and he stands up. Missandei announces, "Now comes the noble Razdal mo Eraz of the ancient and honorable house, master of men and speaker to savages, to offer terms of peace." As he appears, Drogon and his brothers get closer to Danny, wanting to be pet and fed. Aragon and Freki are both laying on each other at my feet.

      The dragons screech and my direwolves stand, growling, as he gets too close. Missandei says, "Noble lord, you are in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of house Targaryen, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons."

      Danny insists, "You may approach. Sit." They get him a chair and he sits down. Missandei offers him a drink and he accepts, setting it down next to him when he's done. The man begins, "Ancient and glorious is Yunkai. Our empire was old before dragons stirred in old Valyria. Many an army has broken against our walls. You shall find no easy conquest here, Khaleesi." Danny tosses meat and the dragons fight for it. The man grows more nervous and scared by the second. She tosses two things of meat to Aragon and Freki as well. 

      Danny says, "Good. My Unsullied need practice. I was told to blood them early." He sits forward, "If blood is what you desire, blood shall flow. But why? 'Tis true you have commited savageries in Astapor. But the Yunkai are a forgiving and generous people." He claps his hands and a few slaves bring over two boxes of gold.

      He explains, "The wise masters of Yunkai have sent a gift for the silver queen." We all look at each other. He continues, "There is far more than this awaiting you on the deck of your ship." She asks, "My ship?" He nods, "Yes, Khaleesi. As I said, we are a generous people. You shall have as many ships as you require." She asks, "And what do you ask in return?" He replies, "All we ask is that you make use of these ships. Sail them back to Westeros where you belong and leave us to conduct our affairs in peace."

      She looks at the slaves and says, "I have a gift for you as well. Your life." He asks, "My life?" She adds, "And the lives of your wise masters. But I also want something in return. You will release every slave in Yunkai. Every man, woman, and child shall be given as much food, clothing, and property as they can carry as payment for their years of servitude. Reject this gift, and I shall show you know mercy."

      He stands up, "You are mad. We are not Astapor or Qarth. We are Yunkai and we have powerful friends. Friends who would take great pleasure in destroying you. Those who serve, we shall enslave once more. Perhaps we'll make a slave of you as well." Drogon screeches and Freki and Aragon are snarling, getting close to him. He states, "You swore me safe conduct." She nods, "I did, but my dragons made no promises and neither did my friends Direwolves, and you threatened their mothers." I state, "Dragons and Direwolves are of equal damage, loyalty, and rapacious natures. Perhaps you shall find out the hard way."

      He looks pissed off. Good. He orders, "Take the gold." The slaves try to, but Drogon jumps on it, screeching at them. They back away and Danny corrects, "My gold. You gave it to me, remember? And I shall put it to good use. You'd be wise to do the same with my gift to you. Now get out." He mutters under his breath as he stomps away.

      Ser Barriston says, "The Yunkish are a proud people. They will not bend." She asks, "And what happens to things that don't bend?" We smirk. She asks, "He said he had powerful friends. Who was he talking about?" Jorah responds, "I don't know." She commands, "Find out." He nods and leaves. Drogon flies to Danny and she pets him. This will be an outcome I will not want to miss...

- End of Chapter 39 -


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