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~Kenna's POV~

      It has been a few days and we watch behind a rock, covered in rags and watching some men ride into Yunkai. Ser Barristan says, "Men who fight for have neither honor nor loyalty. They cannot be trusted." Jorah states, "They can be trusted to kill you if they're well paid. They Yunkish are paying them well." Danny asks, "You know these men?" Jorah answers, "Only by the broken swords on their banners. They're called the Second sons. A company led by a Braavosi named Mero, 'The Titan's Bastard.'" 

      I ask, "Is he more titan or bastard?" Jorah says, "He's a dangerous man. They all are." Danny asks, "How many?" Ser Barristan replies, "2,000, your grace. Armored and mounted." She asks, "Enough to make a difference?" He nods. She thinks, "It's hard to collect wages from a corpse. I'm sure the sellswords prefer to fight for the winning side." Jorah says, "I imagine you're right." Danny says, "I'd like to talk to the Titan's Bastard about winning." Ser Barristan says, "He may not agree to meet."

      She smiles, "He will. A man who fights for gold can't afford to lose to a girl." She's right. Men are usually too proud to do so.


      I'm standing in the same spot as last time along with everyone else. The three men come in, standing tall and proud. The one on the far right with the long hair and blue eyes really catches my attention. I'm not ready to hop into bed with him or anything, but he IS fairly attractive. Ser Barristan says, "Your Grace, allow me to present the captains of the Second Sons--Mero of Braavos, Prendahl na Ghezn and..." 

      The attractive man finishes for him, "Daario Naharis." The one I believe is Mero steps forward, "You are the mother of Dragons?" She looks up, proud of herself. He says, "I swear I fucked you once in a pleasure house in Lys." Freki and Aragon growl while Jorah says, "Mind your tongue." Mero asks, "Why? I didn't mind hers." 

      He steps to Jorah and I draw an arrow, pointing it at his head as he says, "She licked my ass like she was born to do it." I spit, "You will mind your words or they will be your last." He says, "A pregnant whore threatening me with a silly little arrow?" I correct, "A pregnant bastard making a promise to a man with a cock the size of my arrow head." Danny says, "Enough." He sits down next to her and I lower the arrow, but I keep it half-drawn.

      He does this weird tongue thing and laughs while the other two men step forward as well, keeping a more respectful distance. He orders to Missandei, "You, slave girl, bring whine." Danny says, "We have no slaves here." Mero claims, "You'll all be slaves after the battle unless I save you." Danny just gives him a look and I have to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing. 

      He says to Danny, "Take your clothes off and come and sit on Mero's lap and I may give you my Second Sons." She says, "Give me your second sons and I may not have you gelded." He laughs and she asks, "Ser Barristan how many men fight for the second sons?" He answers, "Under 2,000, your grace." She asks, "We have more, don't we?" He responds, "10,000 Unsullied." She says, "I'm only a young girl, new to the ways of war, but perhaps a seasoned captain like yourself can explain to me how you propose to defeat us."

      Missandei gives the men drinks and Daario says, "I hope the old man is better with a sword than he is with a lie." She looks at him and he continues, "You have 8,000 Unsullied." She points out, "You're very young to be a captain." The third man corrects, "He's not a captain. He's a lieutenant." Me and Danny both roll our eyes and she says, "Even if your numbers are right, you must admit the odds don't favor your side."

      Mero says, "The Second Sons have faced worse odds and won." Jorah corrects him, "The Second Sons have faced worse odds and run." I chuckle and Daario smirks at me. What's he so smiley about? Danny proposes, "Or you could fight for me." Mero laughs while Daario looks intrigued. Mero says, "We've taken the slavers' gold. We fight for Yunkai." Danny says, "I will pay as much and more." He tries to sniff Missandei's vagina and Freki bites his hand, quickly releasing him after. He groans and holds his hand.

      He takes out his dagger and I fully draw my arrow, pointing it at his throat as I stand in front of Freki, "You take one more step and I won't hesitate to put this arrow in you. You'd be dead in a matter of seconds." He demands, "I will not let that beast walk away after doing that." I spit, "You will sit down and negotiate with her grace and stop whining like a child." The two men call, "Mero," and shake their heads. He gives me a look before sitting down again.

      The third man says, "Our contract is our bond. If we break our bond, no one will hire the Second Sons again." She insists, "Ride with me and you'll never need another contract. You'll have gold and castles and lordships of your choosing when I take back the seven kingdoms." Daario says, "You have no ships. You have no siege weapons. You have no cavalry."

       She says, "A fortnight ago, I had no army." A year ago, I had no dragons. You have two days to decide." Mero says, "Show me your cunt. I want to see if it's worth fighting for." Everyone gets weapons ready, annoyed, and Grey Worm asks, "My Queen, shall I slice out his tongue for you?" She smiles and says, "These men are our guests." She says in common tongue for the men to understand, "You seem to be enjoying my wine. Perhaps you'd like a flagon to help you ponder." Mero asks, "Only a flagon? And what are my brothers in arms to drink?" 

       She suggests, "A barrel, then." He smiles, "Good." He gets up, "A Titan's bastard does not drink alone. In the second sons, we share everything. After the battle, maybe we'll all share you."  She scoffs and as he's about to leave, he turns to Missandei, "I'll come looking for you when this is over." He smacks her ass and we all share a deadly look with each other.

      Danny says, "Ser Barristan, if it comes to battle, kill that one first." He responds, "Gladly, your grace."

- End of Chapter 40 -

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