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~ Kenna's POV ~

I huff as I plop down on my bed, bored. The only thing to do is look at myself the mirror beside my bed on top of my dresser. My Nordic blue eyes shine against the light through the mirror, my waist length brown-black hair falls in waves all over my bed and on the pillows, my blue jean shorts and black spaghetti strap tank top accentuate my warm, toned skin. I really need to eat, but my dad is down stairs.

Seriously, who gets grounded for accidentally breaking a plate during a sleepover? What is this, the 1950's or something? I groan sit up, laying my head against the shoulder that's properly up. Suddenly, there's a knock on my window. I'm startled as I see my best friend, Kelly, waving excitedly at me.

I open my window and state, "You scared the shit out of me, Kel!" She shushes me and says, "Do you want us to get caught?" I ask, "What are you doing here? Aren't you grounded too?" She says, "Well, maybe if my parents where home to enforce this rule, I wouldn't have been able to just waltz out of my house and sneak on up to your window. Speaking of, you really need to trim the roses growing on your roof, I nearly cut my hand open climbing up here." I roll my eyes.

I say, "Well, my parents ARE home and we'll get in worse trouble if they catch us talking to each other like this right now." She says, "Come with me. I want to take you somewhere." I ask, "Where?" She says, "It's a surprise." I look nervously at her. She frowns and groans, "Come on, what are you going to do in here anyways? Read a book? Stare at the ceiling? Do homework?"

Damn. She's not wrong. I just roll my eyes, smiling, and put my black and white converses on. She says, "Yes! Come on." I tip toe out of the window, one leg at a time, and ever so gently shut the window behind me. Kelly jumps down first, then it's me. We have a two story house so two roofs come in quite handy when sneaking out.

We dart under the windows and past my parents cars all the way to Kelly's car down the street. It's an old, beat up, two door jeep, but she runs and that's all that we can really hope for. She turns the key and looks to me, "Let's get it on!" We rush off and start towards the secretive destination.

We start driving down this old, wooded path in the woods where there's nobody for miles around. I ask, "Kelly....where are you taking me." She says, "Relax, if I wanted to kill you, I would have." I say, "That doesn't make me feel ANY better." I say to myself, "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them." She says, "I could say the same about you." She stops, "Now get out. We're here."

I get out and follow her into the woods. I ask as we trudge through the woods, "Seriously, you need to tell me where we're going." She turns and huffs, clearly annoyed, "Fine. Finn, they guy from the party we went to a few weeks ago that you hated, well he told me about this place that he found. He never got close, but he could see from far away that there's this really pretty swimming hole ahead. I wanted us to hand here today for a few hours."

I gasp, excited, "Seriously?! We haven't been to a swimming hole in like, FOREVER!" We go up a hill and suddenly there's this odd feeling that stops both of us in our tracks...

~ End of Chapter One ~

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