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~Robb's POV~

      I wake from a dream of Kenna. We were reunited and she had children, my children...Where are you Kenna?

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I won't be doing much of Robb's POV anymore until the Red Wedding which will mostly be Robb during that chapter. 

~Kenna's POV~

      It's been another day and everyone's laying down. It's getting ridiculously hot and I'm already dehydrated. I split the food between Daenerys, Aragon and Freki. It wasn't much but it's better than them eating her and her Khalesar. I wake up from a dream about reuniting with Robb and I had children. As I sit up, I get nauseous. Not to the point where I throw up, but still nauseous nonetheless. 

      Jorah takes his last swig of water and there's insects chattering and buzzing around everyone. There's hoofbeats approaching and I grab my bow and arrow, ready to shoot while standing on one knee. Daenerys holds my hand down, "That's one of ours." I put it down and the horse comes closer. I say, "There's no rider," and walk with Jorah and Daenerys to the painted horse. The horse calmly stops and I'm clutching my dagger. There's something dripping from the leather bag. I look on the ground and it's...blood. 

      I'm getting another queasy feeling. There's hair sticking out so both me and Jorah make our way over while Daenerys stays back a little. He pulls it out and there's a head. I gasp. He puts it back and takes out the cut off pony tail. Why would someone do that? They already cut off his head. 

      Jorah looks at me and then at Daenerys as she approaches. He tells her as she walks over, "You don't need to see this." She states, "He is blood of my blood." What does THAT mean? She looks at it and asks him, angry, "Who did this?" Jorah responds, "Khal Pono, perhaps. Khal Jhago. They don't like the idea of a woman leading a khalasar." She spits, "They will like it far less when I am done with them." I know her feeling...

      I picture Kelly for a moment and the smaller woman from before walks over. Judging from her expression, she knew him. She starts weeping as she kneels on the ground, touching the bag lightly. She speaks a tongue that I can't understand right now. Daenerys holds her face and speaks back in the same language. Daenerys and her keep talking and she eventually gets on the ground with her, rocking her to try to calm her down as the woman sobs into her shoulder. 

      She looks at us and they talk for another moment before she continues to cry. 


      They're starting to build a pyre-like thing and I ask Jorah, "Jorah, will you explain all of this to me? Why are they building this? What's its purpose?" He sighs, "It's a lot to explain." I explain, "I remember anything and everything ever said or taught to me as well as anything I see or read." He looks impressed and begins. 


      Jorah taught me a lot, but Daenerys has given me books to read as well. Considering the fact that I read incredibly fast, it didn't take long to read them. I hold my stomach as I read and Daenerys asks, "Can you really read that fast?" I explain, "Before my brothers and sister died, my parents had me do everything and anything that I could. They're words were 'in order to succeed in life, you mustn't fail at anything' so I didn't. I studied, did sports, rode horses, drew. It didn't matter in the end though. Once my elder brother, Jake, had died, it broke my parents. They couldn't handle losing their last child so they drank and did whatever drugs they could. ultimately destroying themselves."

      I say, thinking back, "Sometimes they thought that I was a stranger who broke in so they would beat me or try to kill me and other times they dote on me like a little girl." She looks down and asks, "You said that you draw?" I nod and take out my picture of Robb, handing it to her. She looks mesmerized, "This is beautiful. Is this the Robb Stark you talked about before?" I nod and she hands it back, "I don't know if I'll ever see him again. When I woke up in the woods, I had no idea where I was or what direction to go so I wandered around."

      It's quiet for another moment before a similar horse makes it's way over, this time with tit's rider. They speak in what I know now as Dothraki, but I don't understand much of it yet. The man hops off his horse. He walks over to us, bags in hand. Daenerys turns to Jorah, "What do you know of this place?" He responds, "Only that the desert around their walls is called the Garden of Bones. Every time the Quartheen shut their gates on a traveler, the garden grows." We both share a similar look. I guess we're making our way to Quarth...

- End of Chapter 29 -

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