Chapter 24 - Returning home

Start from the beginning

Wystan: Master, is that you?

He rubbed his eyes before slowly making his way up to me. Once in front of he picked me up, with some difficulty, and began to closely inspect my face. His eyes widened in realization as he proceeded to hug me and jump up and down slightly.

Wystan: Master you've grown again! You look like your father but with your mothers kind eyes. Arlin, you're being rude come greet my master!

Arlin slowly came out of his hiding spot still scared of my new and bigger appearance. Wystan placed me down in order for Arlin to see me. Once he saw it was really me he gave me a hug burying his face I my fur.

Arlin:*muffled* *muffled*

Devan: What?

He pulled his face back before speaking once more.

Arlin: I said your fur is thicker and much softer now, and your muscles have gotten bigger.

My stomach let out a monstrous growl that slightly vibrated Arlin, guess evolving drains your body of energy. Arlin let go of me as I went over to a nearby tree and ripped the vines down before eating it like spaghetti. What I didn't know was that one of the vines was a snake as it tried to bite me. I raised my hand up to it and it bit my finger as I crushed its head killing it. Soon after I got a notification about me gaining poison resistance. I wonder if that snakes venom was weak or my body is just stronger. System could you bring up my stats please?

Species:Lowland Gorilla
Next Evolution: ??/?? (???)

Devan: Why am I back to level 1 wasn't I level 15?

S.Y.S.T.E.M: You were but now that you evolved your skills and attributes were enhanced at the cost of your levels. But now you will level up and increase your skills twice as fast.

Well this shouldn't be so bad I'm a silverback now and everything I do will grant me double exp. I finished eating the vines and body of the snake before getting up. I dont know if my father will let me back in the troop, I'm already a silverback and there cant be more than one in a group. But I am his son so maybe he won't try to chase me away when I come back. A few leaves being crushed pulled me out of my thoughts as I looked to my left. There the Land Gaurdian arrived except I was much taller than him now.

Land Gaurdian: (Young one, you've somehow grown as big as your father in only a week. Did you manage to find all the fruit?)

Devan: I did and I found a human in there as well.

He seemed shocked from either me speaking english or that there was a human in the forest. Regardless I presented him the fruit from my inventory. He reached his hand out and took the fruit from me before waving his hand over them and throwing them in the air, where they morphed into butterflies.

 He reached his hand out and took the fruit from me before waving his hand over them and throwing them in the air, where they morphed into butterflies

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Reincarnated As A Gorilla In A Fantasy WorldWhere stories live. Discover now