∟ 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

Start from the beginning

          "We're superheroes, Barry, phones can't be shut off," Anna said with a laugh and stood up, pulling her shirt on over her head. She grabbed Barry's shirt in her hands and pulled him closer, their chests pressing together. She rose up to the tips of her toes and smiled, pressing a soft kiss to Barry's lips and pulling away before he got the chance to deepen it. "Let's go before Shannon shoes up in our bedroom and drags us to the lab by the hair."

.: 。

"SO YOU SAW Sam Scudder and Rosalind Dillon escape through a glass window?" Caitlin asked Joe as he paced back and forth in front of the curved desk in the Cortex, coming to a stop once Caitlin finished her question.

          "Like I said, he grabbed her hand, they walked to the window, and then poof, they were gone," Joe explained and looked around at the team, his eyes falling on Anna and Barry.

          "So, mirrors and windows. It sounds like he can travel through anything that has a reflective surface," Barry pointed out and folded his arms over his chest, casting a glance down at Anna before looking back at the rest of the team.

          "How exactly does he do that?" Iris asked and looked over her shoulder at Caitlin, Cisco and Harry who stood on the opposite side of the curved desk where the chairs were.

          "He must be able to link Einstein-Rosen bridges to anything with high solar reflectance, right?" Harry asked and looked down at Caitlin and Cisco, scratching the back of his head.

          "So he crates wormholes through reflections," Caitlin said and nodded her head. "That's a new one."

          "Look, I can't pretend to understand or care about the science of it all, but we need to find Dillon and Scudder before something bad happens. So I'm gonna go old school at the precinct," Joe said and walked toward the exit, giving Barry a pat on the shoulder. "See you later."

          "Joe's right. We need to find them fast before they hurt or kill someone," Anna spoke up and turned toward the curved desk, sighing deeply. "What's that noise?" She asked as a phone began to play a weird chime, her brows furrowing as she looked at Cisco.

          "Oh, my God," he whispered as he lifted up his phone to look at it. "Pings. We got pings. Looks like some of your doppelgängers out there actually cracked your code, Harry."

          "That was fast," Caitlin said as she looked at the phone screen once Cisco showed it to her.

          Harry glanced over at Anna, a pained expression showing itself on his face for just a second before he smiled slightly. "Let's go take a look," he said and turned on his heels to leave the room.

          Anna frowned as she watched Harry leave, Caitlin and Cisco hot on his tail. Finding a new Harrison Wells meant that Harry was going to leave soon and that broke Anna's heart. She had gotten so close with Harry and was nowhere near prepared for life without him or Jesse. She already lived days without her brother, and losing her uncle and cousin would crush her.

          "I'm gonna go with them," Anna said and looked up at Barry, smiling softly. "Come get me if you need me," she added and reached up, placing a kiss on his cheek before leaving the room to to meet the new Harrison Wellses.

.: 。

"WELL, HEY NOW. I- I solved the derivative you done beamed up," Harrison Wells said, his southern accent thick. He stood as a hologram in the middle of the room, a black cowboy hat resting on the top of his head along with a moustache that made Anna's skin crawl. "My name is Wells, Harrison Wells. You can call me Hell's Wells. They call me that 'cause of my past. I won't get into it with you now right and proper. I like to hitch wagons and—"

𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭: ᴢᴇʀᴏᴘᴏɪɴᴛ ²  − b. allen ((editing))Where stories live. Discover now