He's back.

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I thought it was a dream at first, the screams in my dream felt too realistic, to be just a dream. I opened my eyes and realized it wasn't a dream. Someone was actually screaming. My mother, I bolted upright and grabbed my wand. I ran to my door and opened,
"ADVADA KEDEVERA" I heard someone yell. And green light light up the hallway. Someone comes in and grabs me, covers my mouth. It was Blaise "we need to hide" he sounds shaken up.
I take my hand off of my mouth "what's going on?" I say.
"He's here. Voldemort is here"
My stomach drops
"LEAVE US ALONE" I hear my mum scream.
I jump upright and run for the door.
"No! Don't go" Blaise say grabbing my arm.
I whip my arm to get out of his grip "mum needs us" I say running towards the room. I run into my parents room and gasp. Voldemort was standing near the end of my bed. He was tall, so tall that he loomed over everyone else. My mum is hiding behind a blanket her wand in her hand, tears stream down her face, I trip over something.
My dad.
I scream. My father was lying on the floor, with his eyes open.
"Dad?"I push him. He was dead.
Tears roll down my face "expelliarmus" he swings my mum's wand out of her hand.
"Why are you doing this?" I beg.
"Lucious Malfoy sent me" he winks
I stop in my tracks, Dracos father was actually being honest when he told him he would kill us.
"Please stop. Kill me not her" I say.
Before I can react he screams "ADVADA KEDAVERA!"
A green light come out the end of his wand, hitting my mum right in chest. She instantly rolls forward, dead.
I wave my wand at him and he waves his at mine, a blue streak comes out of his end, hitting me in the chest, my wand goes flying across the room.
I fell to the ground screaming, the pain was all I felt. It engulfed me. It was the worst pain I've ever felt. I was in and out of consciousness but still tried to crawl to my wand. I was inches away, but I couldn't crawl anymore.
I was defeated.
I let the sea of darkness take me away.

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