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Today is thanksgiving and I wanted to tell you how thankful I am for you. Thanks for never giving up on me, and always believing in me. When no one else did. I imagine I would be in a dark place without you. Have a great day.
Draco xoxo.

I hold the letter close to my chest. By far my favorite letter I have received from him. It's thanksgiving and I can feel the love from the letter already. I go downstairs and the family is already cooking dinner. "Molly, do you need any help" I ask.
"No sweetie. The kids are in the back playing quidditch. You're welcome to join."
I nod and walk in the back.
"Aurelia! Be on our team" Ron yells "we are losing bad"
He probably heard my message last night cause he actually acknowledged me today. 
"No she should be on our team" Fred says.
"I think Ill be on Rons team" I laugh, grabbing a broomstick. I've never played quidditch before but it's a lot more fun than it looks. I end up scoring some points. "Wow you're a natural. You should be on the Gryffindor team" Fred says, sweat dripping off his head
"Maybe Ill try out next year" I joke.
"You seriously should" Ron says high fiving me.
We play for another couple of hours. Until Rons brother Percy arrives, then the boys all play.
Ginny and I go help molly with the rest of dinner talking and laughing in the kitchen Which is the most normal I have felt in ages.

The dinner is delicious and we all go around the table to tell what we are thankful for.
"I'm thankful for my beautiful mum" Ron says
"I'm thankful for the trick shop we are about to open." Fred says.
When it comes to my turn I look around "I'm thankful for my loved ones"
"Awww that's lovely" Molly says.

When dinner ends and after everyone cleans up we all talk in the living room for a while.
"Aurelia, do you want to take a walk?" Ron asks. I nod and go outside with him. The cool air bites my face
"I know I've been acting cold. It was just a shock when we all heard about you and Draco. We weren't expecting it. I've seen you with Draco though, the way you both look so happy together, I can't be mad at you for following your heart" he says.
"I know. I feel guilty though. I should've talked to you guys first but it was so unexpected. Everything happened so fast and I didn't have time to process things. You guys are so important to me and it was really hard to have no one on my side"
"Well I can't speak for Hermione or Harry but you have me on your side" he smiles.

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