"Hmph. Then I won't need to explain this in-depth. If you want to be a respected demon... join the Star Demon Series project."

"Um... Star Demon Series... project?"

"That's right. I'm offering you a position on the government's top secret project. Now that I've told you about it though, there's only two options you can take now. Pick wisely."

"W-wait, this is going by so fast, I..."

"Two. Options. If you want to join, I'll give you the most important position. If you don't want to join, I'll have to erase you."

"E-eh? Erase... me...?"

"We can't have anyone leaking this information. If you refuse, it's death."

Ubume dropped to her knees, eyes widened as her hero threatened her menacingly.

"I thought I could trust you..."

"They say never meet your heroes, don't they?"


"If you can't come to a decision right here and now, I have no other choice but to execute you on the spot. What will it be?"

"The most important position..."

"That's right. Without someone in that position, the project can never start. However, you're perfect for this. I need you, Ubume."

Ubume felt the world sink around her. If she said no, she'd die.

"Well... I don't really have a choice, do I...?"

"Your life right now isn't any better, is it? Once we reveal this project to the public, you'll be revered as a hero."

"Me...? A hero...?"

"That's right. Those kids at school will stop bullying you when they find out you've been working for me personally. You'll become so powerful, you could even squash them under your feet. How does that sound?"

"But I... don't want to hurt them... I just want them to stop... hurting me..."

"Unfortunately, the world doesn't work that way. To stop someone else from hurting you... you need to strike back even harder. This project will do just that. I'll make you strong enough to stomp out anything in your way with brute force."

Ubume was hyperventilating as Myo's overbearing aura consumed the atmosphere of the room.

"Make. Your. Choice."


Myo summoned his Eagle Staff of Vega, a powerful and legendary weapon that burned a luminous blue at the tip.

Pushing it up against Ubume's throat, he repeated his statement clearly.

"F-fine... I will... I'll participate in the project..."

Ubume, choking out an answer to save her life, wheezed for air as Myo relieved the pressure he put on the room.

"Good. Let me take you in then... 156."

Ubume, labelled as product number 156, entered her first examination in the medical room for the project. Dressed in a white gown and with a tattoo of her serial number forced upon her right ankle, Myo and Shooting Star's former subordinates, Speed Dust Dragon and Eric, began to perform a "medical check-up" on her.


72 hours.

It took 72 hours.

No anaesthetic was given.

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