Chapter 1

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"How long has it been since you last saw these beautiful corridors? Smelled these sweaty armpits? Or were thrown into these lockers by these strong monsters we call students?" Henry asked trying to be emotional.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his dramatic tone as I reached out for my locker. I put my code into it while it clicked open. I faced him with a smile on my face,

"Two months. And believe me, I didn't miss them at all."

Henry heaved a sigh before his expression was all serious, "Of course, you didn't. No one would. I am jealous of you."

A mocking laugh escaped my mouth. Jealous? Not sure if that was the right way to put it. He wouldn't still be jealous if he knew the reason for my absence from school for two months. It wasn't something I did for fun. Definitely not something someone would want to experience just to skip school for two months. Skipping school was just an optional good thing I could add onto the bad ones.

Suddenly, there was a hand on my head ruffling my hair. I looked sideways to find Max grinning down at the both of us.

He ran his hand through my brunette hair before holding onto the ends, "Dye them pink, Serenity."

I slapped his hands away. He couldn't help but roll his eyes at me before turning all his attention towards Henry. He went towards him and ruffled his hair the same way as mine. But unlike me Henry couldn't help but blush at him.

I stood a little far away from them and couldn't help but smile at them. At their cuteness. Just sprinkling adorability wherever they went as a couple.

Max looked at me and squinted his eyes, "Why are you doing in that corner? Just come here and give me a hug. After all you were gone for two months." His voice turned sad in the end.

I couldn't help but feel emotional as I went and hugged the both of them. Max tightened his arms around the both of us- literally engulfing us into him.

"God, what would I even do without you both in my life." He stated while putting his chin on top of our heads.

"If you keep holding onto us like this we will suffocate and die. And then Max, you will have all the time in the world to figure out what you would do without us." Henry mumbled into Maxs' chest.

Henry was shorter than Max but their height difference only made them look more compatible.

I could feel the vibrations in Max's chest as he laughed and let us go.

"Let's go, my loves." He said putting his arms around us now.


I opened the door to the classroom. I managed to be late even after being on time in school. Let me take a guess...the snuggly bear hugs from Max? Yeah definitely the reason.

"And you are?" I heard the teacher say.

I looked in the front and cleared my throat, "S-"

But before I could even utter a word he cut me off again by throwing another question at me, "Are you supposed to be in this class?"


"This is chemistry class and if you mistook it for another class, please leave. I have already experienced a similar situation which wasted my time."

I don't know which experience he was talking about but surely I wasn't in the wrong class.

I closed the door behind me and took a few steps inside, "Uh- I am Serenity Halls. And I do have your class right now."

He stared at me for a while with the book in his hands. He put it down before facing me completely now and folding his arms, "Are you new?" He asked.

Was I gone for too long that I seem like a complete stranger?

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