Chapter 34

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I took a deep breath as I checked myself in the mirror for one last time. I ran my hands over the grey dress which just ended below my knees. I turned around and smiled at the way it complimented my body.

The only time my makeup decided to be perfect. Is it my lucky day or what? Everything is going too smoothly.

I went over to my bed and checked my phone to check Alec's message again. The message he had sent me in the morning.

I sighed through my mouth feeling the jitters inside my body.

Oh my god. It's here. It's finally here. Our first date and I am going to meet him. I could feel all the emotions at once ranging from nervousness to anxiousness.

I checked our conversation again to make sure that he didn't mention where he was taking me and it wasn't my mind skipping that part.

It was a surprise, huh?

I put my phone back down before going and picking up the heels and putting them on, automatically making me taller than before.

Damn, I look pretty. No wonder he fell for me eventually.

I giggled to myself before shaking my head.

I wanted to show someone how I looked but I would be late and I wanted Alec to be the first one to see and compliment me. I know it sounds cliché but IT IS OUR FIRST DATE! And I want it to be special and unique.

I got out of the cab with the handbag wrapped around my wrist.

"Are you sure you don't want the way back?" The driver asked.

I tried to pass him a small smile before shaking my head, "I'll be fine."

The cab went away as I stood straight and walked over to a lamppost. It was nighttime. I checked the watch on my wrist with the handbag and almost shrieked when I read the time as ten.

It was late.

I didn't mind the time because I knew I would find him here but he was nowhere to be seen. I kicked a rock beside me and watched it go and land on the road where a car passed above it making it crush.

A cold wind blew around making me cover my arms— trying to protect myself. I wasn't sure if it was the wind or the loneliness which was making me colder by colder as the time passed.

He'll be here. Maybe he was stuck in traffic. He had something important to do. Anything. But I know he'll show up. That was for sure.

But at the back of my mind, I felt disappointed, because I was here in time and he wasn't. He was the one who got me all excited and he was the one who asked me to dress all pretty. And he wasn't here.

I sat on the footpath carefully. My feet were hurting because of the heels so I took them out and placed them neatly beside me before massaging my ankles lightly to get relieved of the pain.

I wanted to close my eyes and wait for him, but I can't even do so. It was already late. Leaning against or closing my eyes in the middle of the road was the last thing that I wanted. I had no idea what type of people I could encounter and have to be alert.

I turned my head around and noticed a flower shop behind me. I had no idea how I missed it before but since I am already waiting for him, and I am taking onto the role... I should buy him some roses too.

I put on my heels quickly and ran over to the shop just when it was about to close.

"We are closing." The old lady smiled.

"It's my first date. Please?" I looked at her desperately.

She seemed adamant for a few seconds as she stared into my eyes. I couldn't help but stare back at her as she finally gave up and looked around before stepping inside.

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