Chapter 32

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"I am falling in love with you, slowly and steadily like the clouds moving around... slowly and steadily."

I listened to him carefully before walking towards him and hitting his arms lightly while laughing.

"Don't joke around like this," I said.

He gave me a deadpanned look before taking a step back and tilting his head to one side he said, "Why would I joke around about something like this, Serene?"

I don't know. Because it seems so unreal? Not even a long back, he asked me some time to sort his feelings out and suddenly he is dropping the 'in love' bomb on me out of nowhere. If not a joke, what could it be?

"You are serious," I stated as I looked at his expression.

He shrugged his shoulders as a matter of fact.

Holy mother of Jesus. He was actually serious. He likes me? He is falling in love with me?!

"I know I asked you for ten days but what's the point? I realised that it's okay to fall in love with someone if that's what my heart desires. I cannot stop it from wanting what it wants, right?" He asked with a smile, "Just like I couldn't stop it from falling for Liya, I can't stop it from falling for you." He moved his hands around a lot, "Don't worry. I won't fall in love with anyone else. You are the only one now."

A laugh escaped my mouth. Alec looked at me surprised. He opened his mouth again to say something when I closed the distance between us and kissed him softly, taking him by surprise.

He didn't move for a few seconds before he kissed me back. He went slowly but took control as he moved faster. I smiled lightly before putting my hands behind his head.

"That's what I was talking about man!" I pushed Alec away lightly before looking at Nathaniel standing not far away from us while chewing onto a piece of gum.

Alec cursed under his breath as Nathaniel raised his arms in surrender, "I was just going to my class now, it's not my fault that you guys are making out in the middle of the hallway!" He said slyly, "Imagine getting caught by the teachers instead of me. Oooh, that would be aight to watch."

"Get out Nathaniel." Alec hushed him away while he went away with a laugh that echoed around.

Once he was gone Alec looked down at me. We both looked at each other before breaking in a series of laughter together. Alec put his forehead against mine lightly as he continued laughing.

"I'm gonna see you after class." He muttered with a smile still playing around his lips. I bit my lip lightly before nodding my head. I still couldn't wrap my head around what happened, the only feeling I could feel were the butterflies going wild in my stomach.

He kissed me lightly again before heading to his class. As soon as he was gone, I stood in the place before touching my lips lightly where I could still feel his tingling sensation on my lips. I felt a shudder of excitement pass through my body before I walked to my class when I realised I was walking in the wrong direction.

I blame Alec for my wrong sense of direction right now.

I cleared my throat before going the right way.

Are we dating now? Is he my boyfriend?

I closed my eyes before shrieking a little form inside.

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