Chapter 3

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"Just remember that this project carries a lot of points and will get you good grades so be sure to give in your best, okay?" Mr Weiss, the chemistry teacher, said.

Everyone nodded their heads at him as he went and stood behind his desk, "Just make a group of two students." He finally said while waving his hand in a dismissal.

Everyone started scattering around in the classroom, getting up from their seats. The whole class was buzzing with people talking. Asking each other to be their partners for the project.

As for me? I sat there looking around for someone who would be willing to be my partner. Automatically, my eyes went to the seat next to me. Hoping Olivia had miraculously appeared. But of course she didn't.

A mocking laugh escaped my mouth. The mere thought of how unfortunate I can be made me feel like laughing at myself.

I let my eyes wander in the hope to find someone who wasn't getting any partner but to my surprise everyone was getting themselves partners quite well.

Damn. If I really don't do anything right now I will end up doing the project alone and that is the last thing I want after already being behind in class.

I sighed before putting my hands on the table and standing up. I rubbed my hands together readying myself for interaction with people.

How hard can it be, right?

I was about to step out from my seat when I heard a similar voice.


I turned my head back to see who it was. I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows in surprise as my gaze met Alec's. He had a chemistry book in his hands which he placed on my desk as he came and stood in front of me.

I waited for him to say something after that monosyllabic word but to add onto my frustration he just stood there without saying anything.

I really didn't have time for this. I really had to find myself a partner for this project.

I tried stepping around him but he held me by my wrist—stopping me. I snapped my head back to look him in the eyes before looking down at his hand which was covering my wrists.

Before I could even say anything he realised what he was doing because the next thing I know he apologised quickly before pulling his hands away.

"I was just-" he scratched the back of his head before I saw him take in a deep breath and muttering a, 'Fuck this.'

"If you don't have anything to say can I leave? I really need to find myself a partner for this project." I explained to him.

It's not like I don't want to talk to him. If it wasn't for this project I would have talked to him as long as he wants standing there like a tree, but right now finding myself a 'good' enough partner was much more important.

He stared at me for a second before slowly nodding his head, "Yeah...Wait, I just wanted to thank you." He said in a rush.

I stared at him before running my gaze all over his face.

"For?" I asked confused.

"For that day in the library. Thank you for helping me." He passed me his signature warm smile.

I nodded my head slowly in realisation. That day in library when I helped him hold his book the right way? Was it really that big of a deal for him?

"You're welcome." I accepted his gratitude before trying to step away from him again.

"Also," I heard him say.

I rolled my eyes before looking at him with frustration. What does he want? Why can't he let me be.

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