Chapter 18

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It was a great day today. A long one too. From the perfect weather to spending it with new friends. To my surprise, I actually enjoyed it.

I was laying on my bed with the lights off. I opened the window so that the cold air could come in. I shifted in the bed and looked outside the window.

As I looked out I couldn't help but remember earlier when we were all standing on the terrace just goofing around. I couldn't stop thinking about Alec. And I couldn't stop thinking about my best friends betraying behaviour. I am never letting go of that.

The weather was still the same. And time and again I would see my room getting illuminated with light followed by the thundering sound.

I wonder how mom was doing.

I checked the time and saw it was 11:30pm. Not too late. I hope she can pick up at this time.

Reaching out for my phone from the sidetable I called my mom. She picked up on the fourth ring.

I took in a sharp intake of breath as I heard her voice after so many days. Whenever I called her either she was busy with some patient or it was me who couldn't pick her call up.

"Serene." I could literally hear the excitement in her voice, "How are you my baby?"

"M-mom." I felt like someone was choking me. I couldn't get the words out. You know how it gets when you have so much to say to a person that when you do get a chance to tell them. Talk to them. It just becomes so overwhelming that you end up not saying anything at all?

It was one of those moments.

"Will you get home early today?" I forced my words out.

I could feel my mom going silent on the other side of the phone. And her silence only meant one thing. That she wasn't coming early today either. She would be working late tonight too and would be getting here in the morning when she will just go to her sleep and before I come back she would be gone for work again.

"I know it must be lonely." She whispered.

I didn't want her to be upset because of me. That was the least I wanted afterall she was going through, "No mom. I am not lonely at all. I have some great friends. Made some new ones too apart from Max and Henry."

"That's so good to know Serene! Let me know if you want money for dresses or party, okay? I don't want you to miss out on anything because of money."

"Mom. Really. I don't need money. I am good."

I heard the voices of other nurses from her side but they got mumbled down as she spoke again, "The weather is so beautiful today."

"I know."

"I think it might rain tonight."

"You think?"


Whenever I hear or think about rain I am always reminded about Alec's promise to me. About how he will take me to the beach if it rains.

Did he really mean that?

"If it makes you feel any better," mom said, "I will be taking a leave after a few days. Then we can spend the whole day together!"

"Reallyy?" I couldn't hide the excitement in my voice as I sat straight in my bed—holding onto the phone a little tightly.

I could hear her chuckling from the other side and imagine her nodding her head.

I don't know about the whole day but this was the best part of my day. The highlight. I was grinning from ear to ear as each second passed.

"Oh god. Look! It really is raining."

I looked at the phone in confusion before looking up towards my window. Slowly, getting up I went to the window and as soon as went near I was hit with the earthly smell during the rain.

"Wow." I whispered.

"I know." I had almost forgotten that mom was on the other side of the phone.

"I love you mom." I said looking out at the sky which had finally decided to cry.

"Me too sweetheart. I love you more than anything. Let's hang in there for some time and we won't have to worry about the money at all. Also take care of yourself. Eat healthy. And I-I feel so guilty to be not there for you." Her voice broke in the end.

I knew how she felt. I wanted to comfort her. But I knew all she was saying was true too.

I opened my mouth but she told me to hold on as a nurse came up to her.

"Ms Halls. The patient in ward 19 needs your attention right now. Please attend to that."

Okay great. Not even five minutes into the conversation together and she gets called off for work again.

I looked down at the green grass and saw the drizzling washing away all the dirt as I waited for her to hang up.

"I will have to go now, Serene. I wish I could talk longer but later." And she hung up.

"Sure." I mumbled quitely to myself before staring at the phone screen. Sighing I put the phone away in my back pocket before placing my elbows on the window sill and just enjoying the rain.

I closed my eyes and heard the sound of the rain as it grew louder with the passing time.

After a few minutes of enjoying the rain my eyes fixed on a silhouette standing below our building. In the garden with an umbrella.

It would not have been scary if they were moving. But they weren't. So it was scary.

I could see the person adjusting the umbrella in his hands before seeing him take out his phone.

I totally tried to ignore it but when my phone rang in my back pocket, I swear the ringtone alone spooked me enough to make me jump out of the window.

Placing a hand on my heart—trying to keep it calm. I took my phone and checked the person who was calling me.


For real? Why was he calling me at this hour? I looked at his name and then at the rain again. And it struck me.

No way. Nope. There is no way he was calling me because of his promise. Not at this late hour!

"Hello?" I said picking up his call.

"I promised you, didn't I?" His voice was deep. I kid you not when I swear I got chills when I heard his voice.

"At this hour?"

"A promise is a promise." He chuckled.

"Yeah which you can keep in the morning."

"Why would I when I am literally waiting for you down here." I could hear the smile in his voice.

I felt my heart not beating for a while as I looked down. No way, the umbrella man?

All my questions were answered when the umbrella man looked up and showed his face in the dark.

"Come on down." He smiled and motioned me down.

"You are insane."

"So be it. But be down here in the next five minutes. We are going to the beach."


Searching For Serenityजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें