Chapter 36

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"Why are you acting so surprised?" She smirked, "You didn't expect me here?"

The only time I met her was at the mall where she smacked me against a wall to ask me to stay away from Alec. I thought we were over it, but she clearly wasn't.

I gave her a look and narrowed my eyes at her, "I am not used to witch's just showing up anywhere."

I was expecting her to be furious but I was surprised when she just folded her arms and leaned a little back against one of the trees on the sidewalk.

Even she knows that she is a witch, huh.

"I wouldn't be such a loudmouth if I were you." She said inspecting her nails.

I gave her a confused look and glanced at the guys in the darker region with all sorts of equipment.

"What? Are you gonna beat me up?"

She pointed at herself and acted surprised, "Me? Oh no. No. No." She shook her head, "What makes you think that I'll dirty my hands on you. In fact," she finally got away from the tree and came and stood in front of me, "I am gonna enjoy it." She snarled into my ears.

I clenched my jaws as I looked behind her again. So, she brought these men to beat me up?

She was wearing heels which made her seem taller than me but guess where my heels were? Exactly. I threw them away while walking here. Do I regret it? Obviously. I could have jabbed holes into her. It would have been of some use!

"I told you to stay away, didn't I?" She glared at me.

I rolled my eyes and covered my ears, "Your voice can still make my ears bleed."

"Not only were you always with him," she scoffed, "but you guys started dating?"

I looked at her being envious.

Is this how I looked being envious of Liya? No. No. No. I shook my head to myself. Serene, you are not wrong at all. You were the one who was stood up on her date. It doesn't matter who was in the wrong. It doesn't matter if anyone was wrong or not... You are not wrong.

"No wonder, it hasn't been going smoothly," I said matching her eye level.

She took a step back and looked around unbelievably, "You are calling me a bad omen?"

"Any doubts?"

She pursed her lips and nodded knowingly, "I am a bad omen I guess,... Especially for you tonight."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked getting tired, "I don't even know your name! If you want your shot then just go to him and actually do something rather than wasting your time here."

"Duh." She stated as a matter of fact while pushing her straightened blonde hair behind her ears, "This is for you twisting my arms behind my back and pushing me against the mirror." She fake-gasped, "Don't tell me you don't remember it."

This girl is going out of her way to hurt me rather than actually doing something about her love life. How pathetic.

"You know what? I am not in the mood today, let's do this another time." I turned around only to find her hands holding onto my wrist— tightly.

"Is this a restaurant where you can come and go anytime? No, bitch. You are going down today."

I stared at her before taking a deep breath. Pushing my hair back with one hand I asked her, "They," I pointed in the far corner towards the guys, "They're really here to..." I pointed towards myself without completing the sentence.

"Are you crazy?" She grimaced, "We are speaking the same language, right?"

We are speaking the same language but we clearly don't have the same understanding. Who brings people to hit you after an argument?!... An argument SHE STARTED!

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