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*ring* *ring*


Hello? Y/N?

You heard a soft voice that you haven't listened to in months. The sweet voice you used to hear. The sweet voice that used to sing to you. The sweet voice that'll tell you to wake up in the morning or to go to rest in the middle of the night. It was the voice you've been longing to hear.

"Yena-ya. It's been a few months since we last called, huh?"

".....it has been..." You heard her voice starting to vibrate making you worry.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" You asked her as you slowly start to panic as you were sitting on your table. You have been living abroad due to a sudden transfer you got. Also as well as due to the work's nature, it was absolutely forbidden for her to go with you. You couldn't really resign due to the contract that you signed, and was forced to depart.



"When will you be back?" Yena asked as she watched you eating for the last time before you depart.

"I don't know. They wouldn't tell me about it. But i hope it won't take too long." You said to her as she pouted while watching you eat.

"Eat your food, Yena-ya. It'll get cold."

"....i'm not in the mood for eating." She answered making you surprised.

"Are you sick?" You asked her. "Come on, eat. You'll get sick if you don't eat."

"If it makes you stay, i'll rather do that." She answered looking you up in the eye. It hurts you seeing her look into your eyes, as if begging you to stay by her side without uttering a single word. Knowing her, you knew that she doesn't wanna burden you by begging you to.

"Yena-ya." You cupped her cheeks as you glued your forehead to hers.

"You know how much i love you right? No matter the distance, no matter the time. I'll still love you no matter what happens. I'll love you today, tomorrow, next week, the next month, even in 2 years i'll still love you."

"You sound cheesy." She answered trying to lift up the mood.

"But you don't hate it right?" You said making her giggle.

"Be back soon, Y/N. Please." She said. "I don't think i'll be able to-"

"Ssh...." You said as you closed her lips with your own. "You're my strong girl, aren't you?"

"I am." She answered proudly.

"Then, wait for me here, okay? As i too will wait for the day to come back. Can you do that?" She looked down before giving you an answer.

"Just promise me that you'll talk to me everyday. Texts, Calls, anything."

"That's a given. You don't even need to say it." You closed in on her lips once more as the time for you to leave was getting closer.


"I.... i miss you so much..." You heard her sob as you felt like your heart is aching. You then held your chest area as you looked out the window to see snow falling down.

"I miss you too, Yena-ya. I'm sorry that we're only able to call now. How have you been?" You asked.

"I've been terrible, Y/N. But the girls have been comforting me here, so i'll be fine! Hehe." She giggled in-between her sob.

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