Choco Pie

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Warning: Feels might be involved, depending on the person.

Requested by : TunaAndKetchup

Flashback to Nako's HKT48 era

"Goodbye senpai, I will be out for a moment

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"Goodbye senpai, I will be out for a moment." Nako said lifelessly as she wore her shoes and walked outside the dorm. Her voice hints the depression she's been enduring since her debut. Ever since she debuted, she hasn't received anything other than negative reactions and comments from the idol group's fans.

"Should we follow her?" one of her group mates asked. Feeling as if she's responsible for the thing Nako is going through.

"No. I think we should let her be. She needs time and space for her to decide and clear her thoughts." The other girl said.

"But what if something does something bad?" She said in a worried tone.

"Don't worry. I know she'll be fine."

Nako's preoccupied mind made her walk out the dorm with nothing on her besides her shoes and clothes that she's wearing. The scene from yesterday's handshake event for fans haunts her mind as she walked aimlessly, in a slow manner. No one wanted to go into her line during the event, nor even give her a single glance. Even worse, there was even a video about the event she was in and rude comments about her were everywhere.

"What's that smurf doing there?"

"Even my dog can get more handshakes than her."

"She should just quit. She doesn't belong to the group."

"Why did they even let her in?"

Every negative adjectives in the dictionary must've been written as a comment to her. Her mind is cleared for a moment as raindrops started to pour above her. The people around her started to run with things such as umbrellas, jackets or even bags above their head. Due to her not bringing other than her pair of clothes that she's wearing, Nako puts both of her hand on top of her head, as she looked for a place that can be used as a shelter. Luckily, not far from her is a park with a small shed inside. She ran through the rain and took cover under the shed.

She stared at the vast field of the park. Her mind is full of thoughts like

Maybe i should just quit.

No one would even realize that i left the group.

No one even knew i was there in the first place.

But i didn't come this far for nothing

Should i just endure it? But what if the result's still the same?

What will mom think of me?

She stared off at the clouds, as the sky's gradually becoming darker and darker. It looks like the rain isn't planning on stopping soon. She is now stranded sheltering from the rain, in the middle of nowhere, with no one in her vicinity like her line during the handshake event. The atmosphere she's currently in made her feelings turn even bluer than this morning.

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