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You're an idol in one of the most known groups, meaning people recognize you everywhere you go. You were minding your own business when you saw a rookie group IZ*ONE showcasing their song LVER and your eyes immediately went to a sweet girl. Later you learned that her name is Kim Chaewon. You were too shy to come up and talk to her, so you asked your Hyunjin to help you talk with her.

You walked up to them and Hyunjin started initiating the talk. You smoothen your way into asking her number and surprisingly, she was obliged to give it to you. Later that night you decided to text her after hours of looking into your phone for who knows how long typing and deleting the message. She responded and soon texts become calls. But calls can't become meets because you both knew the risks. It's a shame, but at least you get to know her more.


You decided to call her when it was her birthday and feel your heart beating faster every ring passed by.

"Yeoboseyo?" She answered making your body jerked straight up.

"Yeoboseyo? Chaewon-ie?"

"*gasp* Y/N?"

"Yup. Happy birthday!" You said to her as you hear a giggle from the other side.

"Aww~ thank you!"

"I know we can't meet because our circumstances, and i don't think we'll meet each other soon so i might as well say it here. I wish i can see you." You said to her trying to shoot your shot.

"I... i wish i can see you too." You felt like jumping in joy hearing her say that.

"Also, i sent something to your dorm, has it came already?"

"What do you-*ring*"

"Looks like it just arrived. Tell me what you think about it. I'm gonna go now okay? Bye!"

"Y-" You immediately closed the call. You regretted it because it looks like she wanted to say something, so you decided to talk to her later.

You continued your schedule for the day, and you threw yourself into the van after being tired throughout the day. You checked your phone as you sighed to a message from her. You opened it and there was a photo attached to it.

I was gonna ask you what's inside, but i opened it and i was really happy! Thank you Y/N!! Also. I don't have any schedule tomorrow, so.... wanna meet up?

You smiled at her message and replied faster than ever, before looking outside to enjoy the view of the city

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You smiled at her message and replied faster than ever, before looking outside to enjoy the view of the city.

Sure! I would love to.

Fluffs? (IZ*ONE x M! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now