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"Oppa! Here!" Wonyoung said as she hops in front a door to some pet adoption place.

"Calm down!" You said as you messed with her head, making her look up to you with her glowing eyes. "Let's go in." You put your hand over her shoulder and start walking in.

"Y/N Oppa! Look at this bunny!" She said while happily running towards a cage with a bunny staring at her. "He's so cute!! Isn't he, oppa?!" She said while trying to touch its face.

"Yeah, like you." You said while pinching her nose as she contoured her face.

"What're you saying~" She said shyly as she fixes her hair to her ear. You smiled at her widely.

"You want this one?" You asked. The reason that you're here is because Wonyoung all of a sudden wanted to have a pet due to a show she recently watched. She has been getting him to go lately, and the day finally came.

"I wanna see the others first" She said, getting up and going to the other pens. You went through all of the pens when she stopped at a pen that have a puppy in it.

"OPPA!!!" She screamed loudly. She approached the lone puppy who was barking at her. "I want this one!!" She started playing with it. You walked up to her slowly looking down as she plays with it. Looks like they're getting along very well.

"You want this one? You don't want to look around again?" She thought about it for a moment, and then shook her head.

"I think i'm going with this one. He's so cute!! Look at him!" She lifted up the puppy for a moment before bringing it back down.

Y/N then called one of the employees for help.

"May i help you?" The teen employee asked smiling.

"Yes, can i get this puppy adopted?"

"Sure thing." She walked back to her counter to prepare some things. You took out your phone and start pointing at her with your camera.

"You're taking a picture of me?" You nodded. "Okay!"

You started counting. "1.... 2..." *click*

" *click*

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