Third Wheel II

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Requested by : nothingdeservesgood



Few years have past since you graduated, and now you've settled in a stable job at some cafe as a Barista. Still single because you can't get over your first love, Kang Hyewon.

You were hanging out at the cafe you used to go with her before the guy came to her life and had to ruin your relationship with her. You're even sitting in the exact same spot you used to sit whenever you were here with her.

I miss you. Kang Hyewon.

You mumbled to yourself, when someone came to you.

"Y/N?" A voice called you. You looked to her and it turned out to be the girl who messed up your few years back.

"Hyewon?" You called her.

"It is you!! Oh My God, It's been a long time!!" She said hugging you lightly. You were baffled by her actions, but you returned the hug.

This feels warm.

"So, how's life been going?" She asked as she sat down in front of you.

"I-I've been well. I got a stable job, and got an apartment right now."

"I see..."

"How about you?" You asked her, hoping that she already broke up with that guy.

"I'm.... engaged."


You thought that after not meeting her for so long, the damage wouldn't be as much. But it turns out you were wrong. You were even more hurt after hearing that she's engaged. It looks like you love her too much.

"I see... congratulations!" You said trying to not sound awkward.

"Thanks. Haha." She laughed awkwardly, making you raise an eyebrow.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Ng? No, nothing's wrong. Let's go take a walk, Y/N. I'm feeling like walking right now."

"Okay then." You said accepting her offer. You paid for the food you ordered first before going out the cafe.

"Y/N. Can i ask you something?"


"Why did you leave me before?" She dropped the bomb. You were trying to avoid the topic you have been trying to evade from, but looks like it was inevitable.

"Me? I left you?" You said to her.


"Hyewon-ah. Do you know how you've been treating me like when we were hanging out before? Like when he started showing up?"

"....i ignored you, didn't i?"

"Mm. It felt like i wasn't there. I was there physically, but i wasn't in your view. Right? You either kept chatting, or just talked with him. I have never gotten a single word ever since that guy was with us, Hyewon-ah. That's why i left."

"I'm sorry, Y/N..." She said pouting.

"Don't be. It's my fault for not saying anything."

"No, you don't have to apolo-" Just then, Hyewon's eyes gazed at a guy that's familiar to her hanging out with a girl.

"What're you looking at?" You asked her as you looked at her general direction. "Wait, is that your.."

"Y/N, let's turn back." She said pulling your hand.

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