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huge thank you to Roverflame for helping and proofreading this


"...sorry? Can you repeat that again, ssaem?" He stood in front of his dance trainer, stunned after being told heartbreaking news for the trainee. The fact that it was something he had to hear first thing in the morning just didn't feel all that nice.

"Mrs. Hwang spent her last day as a trainee yesterday, and has resigned from our company. She won't be a trainee under us anymore."

"B-But we just hung out yesterday! Why would she leave all of a sudden? We planned on competing for the upcoming dance competition and everything!"

"I know this sounds too absurd to be true. Honestly her sudden resignation also caught me off guard, since she didn't seem to feel unhappy with what we have given to her. We tried to make her stay with us since I saw potential in her, but it was all for naught. Her decision was already solid. In the end, she decided to back down and paid the penalty fee before she left us for good." He didn't find his explanation all that informative to her reason, and continued to be in denial.

"W-Why didn't you tell me about all of this on the day it happened?"

"When we asked whether she had told you about it, she replied with a no, and asked us not to. She said that she'd leave immediately as soon as you heard the news, and wouldn't ever listen to what we have to offer. But as you can see... we've failed. In the end, she decided that this week was her last, and left."

"I don't understand. Wh-"

"I'm sorry that we weren't able to make her stay, Y/N. But on another note, perhaps she didn't want me to tell you because she didn't want you to get hurt by the sudden news of her leaving."

"Well she ended up hurting me more by leaving just like that without even giving me a heads up or anything. What is even going on in her mind, honestly..."

He took a seat on the floor before lying down, staring at the ceiling which felt shorter than it usually is. Perhaps his world had gotten smaller, now that the one person he felt comfortable with had disappeared just like that, without any trace. A moment of thought to contact her had passed, but he knew she wouldn't give any explanation, after he was left without one.

"I'm sorry, ssaem. It's just.. I don't understand why she would've left."

"No problem. I understand that you'd be most hurt by her sudden leave. I already braced myself for your reaction to the news, so I'm fine, really. I hope you won't hold grudges for her, Y/N. There must be a reason for her to do this."

"What kind of- you know what? I don't even want to talk about it anymore. Can we just set it aside?" He sat back up, trying to set his mind aside for at least a few moments.

"Sure. About that thing you mentioned earlier~ ah. The dance competition. Do you still want to participate in it?"

"I do, but it doesn't seem to be possible now does it? The competition requires the participants to form a couple, and I don't even have any partners to be with now that she's gone. I mean, there are other trainees, but I'm not sure if I'd be able to sync up with them in a short time. The qualifier round's going to be held in 2 months, after all."

The teacher leveled with him by sitting down, and gave him a look of confidence.

"Actually... we just held an audition a few days ago and it seems that there's this one particular girl who seems to have a hidden potential for her dance. I can't disclose any of her infos to you, but what do you say? There's still some time left for you to build up your chemistry with her, Y/N. This is also a good chance for you to get some experience, and exposure of course remembering that it's going to be a tv show."

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