With you

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Requested by: EnergyMaker

Wiz. Let's not give up.


Life sucks

Was what your thoughts were filled with for all of the school years you've passed.

"I wanna drop out of school." were the words you said to your parents when you moved to the second grade of elementary school. They asked you why, and your answer was simply that no one wanted to be friends with you. You could never understand why, and never did, until, you learned the reason when you eavesdropped on your classmates.

It was due to you being praised by your teacher and made one popular kid jealous. Next thing you know, you were already isolated without a single explanation. Even when a new kid transferred and was about to talk to you, he got pulled off and was told to go away.

It resulted in you becoming an awkward kid, not being able to socialize properly as you never know what to say or talk about to your classmates in high school.

"Maybe it'll be better once you go to high school." The words you spew, with little hope of it becoming true. But as you might have expected, it didn't. You were known as the violent and gloomy kid, whose stare could kill if it pleases. At least, that's what the rumors said. But on the contrary, you were just a soft kid who's been craving normal high school life. Such as hanging out with friends, going to karaoke's, basically all of the things you've seen in dramas and movies.

But it never happened. The usual routine for you would be going to school, focus on class, eat, and going home. That's all you ever did. Or would've been, if it weren't for one person that came into your life. And she came when you least expected it to be.



One faithful day...

You were about to walk home as per usual when you heard someone coming up to you from your back calling your name.

"Kim Y/N!" You heard a woman called as you turned around, wondering who it might be. It was the most adored person in your school whose name has been mentioned almost daily, making her figure as well as her name, embedded into your mind. Miyawaki. Sakura.

Her eyes stare deep into you, making you feel inferior to her as you could only stand there, waiting for her next sentence. Silence starts to fill the hall as she gazes at you from the top of your head to your feet before she continued.

"Come to the office. Now." Your feet moved as if her orders were absolute, keeping your distance to not bump into her by accident.

"I noticed that you're the only one in your grade that doesn't seem to have anything to do after school. May I assume that you're not active in any club that's available?"

"Y-Yes. You're right. Is something the matter, president?"

"Follow me to the office first. This is no place to talk." Sakura then walked away from you, as you felt your body being controlled by some entity into following her. The charisma she had was so overwhelming that you didn't have to think about it to follow her order.

She then opened the door to an empty student council room as she sat down by her respective desk. Which is of course, at the end of the room.

"The others went home already since there was nothing I could order them to. At least, until a few days later."

You kept silent, not knowing why she opened the conversation with that.

"As you might have known, our student council consists mainly of girls, and since I'm about to order them to handle the paperwork and stuff, we need someone to do the minor works for us. Which, I believe you can help us with."

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