"Fine, I'll let it slide for now. Mind taking a girl to work? I've gotta be at headquarters in an hour," she asked, purposefully changing the subject for multiple reasons. The dark agent shrugged. 

    "I guess. I'm heading that way too, so it will save us both a trip," he agreed, and the two agents left the club. After a few minutes of silence, Rouge decided to start up the conversation again. 

    "So why are you heading to base? I thought Thursday was your day off." 

     "Omega wanted a rematch after our last sparring session, and I obliged." 

     She laughed to herself at that, "You two. One of these days you're going to end up either killing each other or landing yourselves in critical care with how hard you boys fight." 

           Shadow smirked, "Maybe."

    The white bat rolled her eyes playfully at his response. His one word replies were extremely common at this point, and she rarely expected more. The fact that he had even stopped by had come as a very pleasant surprise to her. The sudden sound of radio static filled their ears, making them both stop to look at their wrist communicators. 

    Special agents Shadow the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat, you are needed at G.U.N. headquarters immediately, the voice on the other end stated before sharply ending the message. Ruby orbs met teal, and the two mobians linked hands. Shadow closed his eyes and focused on summoning the power of chaos around him.

        "Chaos Control!" he commanded, and they both vanished in a flicker of blue light. 

       Shadow and Rouge materialized in the base conference room moments later, startling the Commander and the other operatives present. Abraham Towers, G.U.N.'s lead commander, was the first to school his features into an ever present scowl, and he calmly cleared his throat. 

    "You called," Rouge greeted with a casual two-finger salute, while the hedgehog beside her hmphed at her lack of professionalism. 

    "Yes," Towers replied sternly, "both of you may take your seats, and we can begin the briefing," once the two agents were seated, the human continued, "Recently, we have received word that Dr. Eggman has new plan for world domination--"

    "Well isn't that surprising," Rouge interrupted sarcastically, earning firm looks from both her partner and her boss. 

    "Yes, well, as I was saying, our intelligence says that he has become interested in the scientific advancements made by the kingdom of Soleanna in the past decade, and he has stolen an ancient relic from Soleanna's historic archives." 

    "Any clue as to what this relic is?" Shadow asked, and the Commander shook his head. 

     "None, all we know is that he plans to utilise it soon, which is why we are sending in Agent Rouge to retrieve it." 

    "Aye aye, captain," Rouge grinned while stretching her arms above her head. Shadow furrowed his brows together in thought. 

            "You are sending her in alone?" 

    "Yes, is that a problem, Agent Shadow?" 

   "The doctor has been quiet for months with little to no activity. I request permission to accompany Rouge on her assignment." 

    The albino bat glanced at him in moderate surprise. She could almost see the gears turning in his head. Whatever he was thinking, it had to be seriously important.

    "Permission denied," Towers answered quickly, "We need you here in case Eggman decides to attack, which is very likely to occur."

    He's sending Rouge in without back-up? Shadow thought, That's insane! 

    "Where's the old man's base?" Rouge asked before Shadow could further challenge the man standing in front of them. 

    "White Acropolis. You will be leaving in three hours by helicopter. I suggest you grab a quick lunch." 

    Shadow sent the female beside him a sideways glance. He knew she didn't have to ask where the base was; they would have told her later. But she did anyways. It suddenly clicked in his mind when she subtly winked back at him, confirming his suspicions. As the debriefing closed, Rouge casually waved him farewell. 

               "See you around, handsome."

   That sly bat, he thought and nodded in her direction, The least I could do is give her a few hours head start. White Acropolis is only a few minutes skate from here. I should wait until she has whatever it is the Commander wants, or until she contacts me. I doubt she'd want me jumping in early.

     With one final wordless goodbye, the two agents parted ways. One to steal back an artifact, and the other to spar with a killer robot teammate. 

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