Chapter 22 - The final path

Start from the beginning

Temporary Poison Resistance Acquired

Hmm that could come in handy, my body isn't as sluggish as before too. But for now we have to get the final fruit, I wonder what would happen after this. I then heard shifting to our right, it was Arlin waking up. Now that I think about it what should I do with him? Do I take him with me or do i leave him here? While I was busy deciding Wystan was already waiting by the start of the path, and Arlin was finishing rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Arlin: A-are you guys going to go down that path?

Devan: Yes we have a quest to finish do you want to stay here or leave in search of civilization?

He was silent for a moment in thought contemplating his choices. On one hand if he leaves he may run into a powerful creature that kills him. On the other if he stays other creatures can sense how weak he is and kill him. Either choice he could be killed, but he could come with us. He will still be in danger if not more but me and Wystan can protect him.

Arlin: C-can't I go with you guys?

Devan: Are you sure? Even with me and Wystan there your life will still be in danger.

Arlin: I'm sure I m-might not be physically strong but I'm magically strong. I can increase your defense and strength. B-but I can also protect us from evil spirits.

The defense against evil spirits could help us, especially with how this path is giving me bad vibes.

Wystan: Master, his magic may help us here. If we were to be attacked by spirits especially from Wraiths, we'll have a way to defend ourselves.

Devan: Alright you can come with us, but stay close.

Arlin: A-alright just let me get some of my equipment from my chest.

He then walked over to the box and pulled out several items. His staff, some vials and a medallion of a god I don't know. The vials were dark blue and they all had different colored straps around the corks.

 The vials were dark blue and they all had different colored straps around the corks

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He attached several around his belt and placed his staff in a holster on his back. He turned back around and said he was ready. I then realized I didn't have my katana equipped. I quickly picked it up off the rock it was on and equipped it. When it was secured on my waist Wystan picked me up and placed me on his back as Arlin walked beside us.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: User I have taken information from your previous battles, and I must ask for your forgiveness.

Devan: Why what happened?

S.Y.S.T.E.M: I've neglected to enable your tactical eye.

Devan: What does that do?

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