You're Sweet. Like Candy. (Fluff)

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 There was a festival going on at UA and all the students and teachers were allowed to go and participate in all of the carnival games and win prizes and toys and other things for a break from the hard work lately. You were there wandering around on your own with no one with you but you didn't really mind the silence. It was actually really peaceful to not have any of your classmates wandering around and whining about things that you didn't honestly even care about. You were peacefully walking around enjoying the weather when you suddenly heard a voice from next you surprising you a little bit "Do you mind if I join you?" you turned to see who was talking to see that it was Hitoshi Shinsou from class 1C he was a cocky bastard in your opinion but at least he was quiet.

You nodded your head with a small smile for him before you began to walk away with him following behind you quietly with his hands in his jeans pocket. You walked into a candy store with him following behind quietly while you grab your favorite candy, suckers. He followed behind not grabbing anything but instead watching you as you grabbed just suckers and no other types of candy. When you finished grabbing what you wanted you paid and walked out of the store with Hitoshi still trailing behind for some unknown reason, but you left him be and continued on your way with him still behind you. After about 10 minutes you turned a corner walking into an alleyway to get away from the noise of the loud people around you, he still followed behind with a smile on his face.

After you figured you were far enough away from people hearing the both of you, you stopped to look at him for a moment almost as if you were silently judging him. After a minute he finally spoke up "Uh...why did we stop?" you ignored his question before answering with your own. "Why are you still following me around Shinsou?" He looked away suddenly becoming very shy for a moment. "Well, you see y/n...I have a crush on you. I'm not entirely sure why though were in different classes and you never say anything to me or even acknowledge that I'm here most of the time. But. I like you, a lot. Your smart and beautiful and your not afraid to tell people to shut the fuck up when you need to and I love that about you, so yeah I like you." he said before looking away awkwardly. You blushed a little before walking up to him holding a sucker out towards him "Your sweet. Like Candy." you said before you grabbed his shirt pulling him in for a lip lock. 

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