Pikachu (Fluff)

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 Hitoshi Shinsou was a fairly normal guy, he was a high school student at UA and he was in class 1-C. He had a few friends and wasn't very popular but he was also not hated by everyone around him or anything, he really was a normal guy. And that is the exact reason why you were resisting the urge to punch him in the face right now. Because he was a damn normal kid, you had been driving around for over an hour while he sat in the passenger seat with his head hanging out the window while he tries to catch a Pikachu. That boy was addicted to pokemon go, now you weren't really judging because you also played the game but it was 2 am on a Tuesday night and he decided this was the night that he was going to catch a Pikachu because no one else was around.

That is how you got to where you were now, very annoyed with your boyfriend's addiction to Pokemon Go, he was sitting beside you growling at his phone as missed catching one. "Damn Denki animal, why can't I catch you!?" he yelled at his phone as he once again missed the Pikachu, you laughed beside him at his comment by calling the Pokemon Denki. Now that you think about it they were really alike, but that didn't really matter at the moment because you were very close to driving off a cliff every time Shinsou told you to take another turn or every time he said you were driving too slow or fast or every time he made you turn around because he thought he missed something. "Wait y/n! Turn around I think you drove past a Snorlax!" Hitoshi said loudly.

You growled quietly under your breath and made an illegal U-turn not even caring if you got pulled over anymore, you would actually be happy if you got pulled over because then they could haul you off to jail before you strangled the boy sitting next to you. When he made you stop in the middle of the street so he could catch a Charmander you lost it, you didn't even wait for him to catch it instead you put the car back into drive and began to drive back towards the dorms. You half expected him to start yelling or brainwash you into turning around and going back but instead, he turned to look at you with a relieved look in his eyes "Thank you babe, I thought I was going to never stop." he said as he quietly laughed and threw his phone into the backseat before he grabbed one of your hands and held it as you drove you both back to the dorms to fa e Aizawa's wrath for sneaking out. 

Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now