I just needed to do that (Fluff)

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 Shinsou was running through the hallways at a fast pace desperate to get to your classroom, he had been gone for a few days visiting family and hasn't seen you since he left. It was about halfway through the day but neither of you had any classes together and he just couldn't wait until the end of the day to do this. He turned a corner at a fast pace nearly running over one of his classmates but he quickly brushed it off and continued to run, he was trying to get to you quickly because he asked his teacher if he could use the restroom and if he was gone for over 20 minutes things could look a little weird. He turned another corner knowing that he was getting close to your classroom but froze when he saw Aizawa (Dad) standing at the end of the hallway glaring at him "shouldn't you be in class?" Aizawa asked him with a frown while walking towards Shinsou.

Shinsou didn't answer, knowing he would get in trouble no matter what he turned around and ran down the hallway behind him deciding to take a different route and get there a little later than anticipated. He turned another corner running down the hallway away from Aizawa just trying to get to you, he was laughing quietly under his breath. The whole situation was coming out to look pretty intense, to be honest, it felt like he was running away from a villian that was going to kill him any minute. It made the whole situation much more exciting and intense he felt like the prince coming to save his beautiful princess. He turned another corner and still running rushed through a crowd of people gathering in the middle of the hallway, he rushed through the crowd until he turned another corner seeing your classroom door at the end of it. He smiled big and ran towards the door determined to get through.

He rushed down the hallways until he got to the front of the door, he grabbed the doorknob rushing into the classroom. He froze when he realized that he forgot classes were going on, Present Mic was standing in the front of the classroom in the middle of teaching an English class looking very confused at Shinsou's entrance. Shinsou completely ignored all of your classmate's gasps and Present Mic's questioning glance, he completely ignored your confused gasp from the classroom. He walked towards your desk in the back of the room completely ignoring all of your classmates questioning him, when he got to your desk he said nothing at first and neither did you. Instead, he just cupped your face pressing his lips against yours passionately letting your lips move together in sync before finally pulling away. "I just needed to do that," he whispered before reconnecting lips with you. 

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