Spying (Fluff)

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 Shinsou had just gotten back to his house after a hard day of hero work and was ready to go pass out in his bed, but he had to lock his house up first. He made sure all of his windows were shut and locked then he made sure his front and back door were locked before he went up to his room. He layed down in his bed for about 10 minutes before he decided to get up and strip out of his sweaty clothes, he got up out of the comforting warmth of his bed and pulled off his shirt. He through it across the room into a pile of dirty laundry and his pants quickly followed leaving him in nothing but his boxers. He then noticed he had left one window open and went over to shut it, it was the one in his bedroom directly facing his neighbor's house.

His neighbor was another hero he didn't really know that well because they worked at different units although you had lived so close for so many years. He went over to the window to shut it only to stop and gasp at the sight before his eyes, it seemed that you had also just come home from hero work and we're getting dressed for bed also. He came over to his window at the exact time you had pulled off your shirt and unclipped your bra letting it fall to the floor, you were still in your jeans but you had began to grab the loops to take them off causing Shisnou to gasp and slam his window shut pushing the curtains over it one last time before standing there panting quietly trying to ignore the faint heat between his legs.

His hands were still resting on his curtains as he debated opening them back open again and sneaking a peak or not, after a few more seconds of debating he finally decided to take one more small peak before he went to bed. He opened the curtains slightly and poked his head through only to gasp at the sight of you standing there with a blanket covering your nearly naked body and flipping him off with a glare in your eyes. If looks could kill he would definitely be dead right now, he closed the curtains once more with a red face. He could never show his face in this to you again. 

Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now