Workout Buddies (Lime, Fluff) Part 1

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Hiya! Just a quick note, when things are written in italics like this -> IwaizumiHajime(27)AthleticTrainerPleaseRailMe that is the reader thinking... enjoy ;)

"Where are we going?" you giggled, moving your head up to sneak a peek. "Uh uh, no peeking." Shinsou said with a smile tilting your head back down so you were facing forwards. Groaning quietly, you let your eyes flicker open and closed behind the blindfold trying to fully adjust to the darkness. Leaning your head back onto his shoulder you giggled as you stumbled through the hallways of the school, laughing quietly with you Hitoshi leaned forward to bite and nibble at your neck softly. Not in a sexual way, more in a sweet comforting way that helped you relax and put all of your faith into his hands as he led you blindly down the hallway.

You didn't know where you were going, only that Hitoshi had a surprise for you and that you were supposed to blindly put your trust into his hands and follow him to wherever he wanted you to go. Stumbling through the hallway together you followed the sound of his voice and the guide of his hands on your hips leading you somewhere. Taking a deep breath you inhaled the fresh scent of grass and flowers, "outside?" moving your head around you took another deep breath. "No, I can feel wood underneath my feet, maybe i'm at school." Trying to look around some more you felt a hand brush up your side dancing across your exposed stomach, tickling across your skin.

"Hey hey hey, stop trying to figure out where you are." Hitoshi laughed at you pressing the pads of his fingers against your lower stomach and waistband of your skirt. Sighing softly in content you let the tiniest moan slip past your open lips, your head falling back onto his shoulder again. Shinsou was standing behind you guiding you with his hands and legs towards his special little surprise. Your slightly tight fitting long sleeve shirt rode up exposing your ribs, and stomach all the way up to above your belly button. His touches were sensual, getting increasingly more hot, and higher up. The higher his fingers went the louder your whines and whimpers got. "Looks like somebodys getting a little excited now aren't we?" Hitoshi whispered quietly into your ear, his fingers dancing a little higher.

Giggling silently you nodded your head "Oh shut up you." Leaning down Shinsou pressed a few quick closed mouth kisses against your neck ravishing you the way he always wanted too. "Hitoshiii are we there yet?" you mumbled quietly, your head turning to face where you could hear his voice coming from. "Almost babygirl." Shinsou whispered leaning down to press his lips chastely against your own. "Mngh come back here." you whined out when he pulled away, separating your lips. "We're going up some stairs, careful now."

Whispered Hitoshi as he helped guide you up, holding onto him you smiled as you finally stopped in front of what felt like a door. "Keep those eyes shut now." Shinsou smiled whispering as he slipped the blindfold up and off of your head but still kept his hand over your eyes. Opening the door he helped guide you into the room, taking a deep breath you inhaled the new scents. B.O was the first smell you took in, squinting your face up a little you breathed in slowly trying to push past that. "Am I in a gym?..." sniffing a little bit more you smelt something Yes flowers, but no not any flowers, your favorite flowers. Was this your surprise? The flowers smelled lovely. Strong.

"How many were there? A lot...a little?.." there was something else.... Chocolate.... It was heavenly. "Can I look now?" you giggled out quietly reaching back to ghost your fingers across your purple haired lovers side, ruffling his shirt a little. Hitoshi didn't respond instead he just let out a quiet breathy laugh removing his hands from over your eyes. Rapidly blinking away the tears that had started to form and slip down your face you tried to adjust your eyes to the bright light. Looking around you finally adjusted to the brightness of the room, a loud gasp slipped past your open lips, the room was full, practically to the brim Hundreds of them, thousands of them even.

Petals, in vases, in bouquets, strewn across the floor everywhere. It was gorgeous, there were so many of them, it made your heart spin and melt. There weren't just flowers either, there was chocolate, not nearly as much chocolate as there was flowers but there were still tons. Turning around there stood Hitoshi, this was the first time you saw him today because you were ambushed by him this morning with a blindfold. There he stood in front of now, in a purple sweatshirt a pair of jeans that hugged him tightly in all the right ways. He had a goofy relaxed smile on his face and in his hands he held flowers that he obviously had just scooped up off of the ground, some were sideways, some were upside down.

Looking him up and down you threw a hand over your mouth trying to hold back your praises and love that you felt for him. Hitoshi was a smiling mess right there with you, slowly opening his arms he let them stay like that waiting there to embrace you in his warm and loving arms. "Come here." he whispered with a smile to you. Running forward you jumped up your legs wrapping around his waist and your lips pressing against his, the force of your jump knocked you both down to the matted floor. Even with the force of the fall your lips never separated, you only got more hungry for the taste of him against you. "Woah woah. Why are you in such a hurry." Hitoshi laughed against your lips, your teeth bumping against each other.

Gasping against his lips, you moaned into his mouth, grinding your wetness down against his thigh. "Mng, wWant. You." you whined out quietly, rocking down back against him whining loudly at the feeling of the hardened muscle against you. You weren't even totally sure why you were all over him right now, you just wanted him. Needed him. The whole thing had you melting away in his arms, no one has done anything like this for you before, it was just getting you so excited seeing your lover here in front of you panting into the heated makeout session. Raking your nails up and down his sides he groaned into the kiss loudly trying to keep up with you.

Leaning back to suck in some hair you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders pushing you down into a lying position. Squealing loudly when you felt Hitoshi crawl on top of you laying there on you laughing with you as he tickled your sides trying to catch his breath and yours. Looking up at him you littered a few kisses up and down his neck lightly before you felt a hand on the back of your head easing you back down into a lying down position. Leaning forward Hitoshi pressed his lips against the shell of your ear sucking on it lightly before taking a deep breath and whispering only a few short words. "I am going to make you scream. 

Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें