Nightmares (Fluff, Slight Angst)

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This is a request for @depressed_candycane I am sorry that it took a bit to get back to you on the chapter. I wasn't completely motivated to write so it took me a while to really get to it. I have been a bit upset since losing all of my work on my other account and having to start over so I haven't been writing so much lately but after doing this piece I have decided to start back up on updates :) I'm not sure how often yet but faster then before. I am starting back up on the requests that I have backed up from last time and am taking new ones :) Thank you for reading and supporting me, and enjoy. <3

"Please Hitoshi!" you sobbed out, your hands reaching out to grip wildly onto his shirt. He just ignored you, pushing your hands off of him and slipping past you, tears spilled down your face as you tried to process everything that just happened. Reaching out again you grabbed the back of his shirt so tightly that your knuckles almost instantly turned white, looking back he tried to rip his shirt away from you but you didn't let go instead you pulled him back against your chest so hard you nearly fell. "Let go!" Shinsou snapped at you his grip overpowering yours and shoving you away onto the hard floor. The pain of your head bouncing off the floor hurt... but didn't hurt nearly as much as your heart did at that moment.

Tears spilled down your face falling down your cheek onto the floor beneath you. It hurt so much. Your heart was on fire and your head was spinning as you looked around confused, you could feel blood dripping down the back of your neck from your rough fall that had your pulse beating at an intense pace. You couldn't remember what happened, or what you did to make Hitoshi so mad but you wanted nothing more then to just fix it. You loved this man. More than anything; and you were so damn upset that whatever you did to make him upset had to end in violence.

Standing up you grabbed him by the back of his t-shirt and yanked him back against you, stumbling backwards Shinsou stuck his hands out grabbing desperately at anything he could get ahold of in an attempt at not falling. Standing up you pushed him down onto the floor out of pure anger and sadness, looking up at you the purple haired hero stared you down in complete and utter shock; confused that you were taking a stand. "Damnit Hitoshi! What the hell is wrong with you!? You actually have the nerve to push me after everything we have been though!? I love you and- and you can't even say it back anymore!" your rant was cut off by Hitoshi standing up quickly and raising his hand up. You saw it flying down to hit you when suddenly-.

You woke up, flying upwards in a panicked heat. Your heart was racing and your head hurt like hell, it felt like you really were knocked into your hard-wood floor. Reaching up you ran your hands across the underside of your eyes feeling the tears that were running down your face. Sniffling quietly you looked over to see your loving boyfriend sleeping soundly next to you completely passed out probably dreaming of cats. Wiping your runny nose you threw the blanket off of you to the side and crawled out of bed as quietly as you could tip toeing across your oak floor to the bathroom on the right side of your room. Your head was on fire, pounding and burning with each step you took.

Reaching up you covered your eyes blocking away the light from the moon seeping into your little dorm. Stepping into the bathroom you closed the door behind you as quietly as you could to not wake Hitoshi up. Taking a deep breath you were quick to make sure he didn't notice you were gone, you peed, took an aspirin, and washed your hands. Reaching for the handle to leave said bathroom you suddenly froze; images from your dream come flooding into your head. Images of your boyfriend hitting you or the way he screamed in your face and pushed you, it hurt. Sniffling quietly you wiped away most of the fresh new tears that were seeping into your pale skin.

Pushing open the door you stepped out of the bathroom to crawl back into bed as quietly as possible only to see that Shinsou was no longer lying down asleep but rather sitting up, and staring right at you. Freezing for a beat you didn't move hoping that it was dark enough to not see your tears you walked back to your side of the bed as steadily as possible. He might have almost believed that but the sniffle you let out when crawling back into bed ended that quickly. Sighing a little you avoided eye contact and rolled over on your side away from him, you hated to cry in front of him. Leaning in close, Hitoshi wrapped his arms around you in a tight comforting embrace.

Immediately you relaxed in his hold, your previous tense position soon relaxing into a more comfortable one. Reaching up with his left hand he began to very lightly rub your scalp, raking his fingers through your hair just as he liked. It was comforting, calming, and it felt nice. "Do you want to talk about it?" He mumbled quietly as he began to lightly ghost his fingers across your hip with his right hand, not in any way sexual, more in a soft comforting way to let you know that he was there. Sighing out you just shrugged your shoulders feeling the tears start to creep their way to the corners of your eyes again. "I don't know were there. And we were fighting an-a-and-" you hiccuped out suddenly being cut off by your sweet lovers voice.

"Shhh it's okay, just relax baby. You don't need to talk about it now." he whispered softly letting his hands rub your head and body. Even though you were crying your eyes out and your head felt like it was going to felt calm. You knew damn well that Hitoshi could have just used his quirk on you and made you calm down but he didn't, he chose to respect your decision of no quirks at home and comfort you with just his words and gentle touches to your soft skin. You relaxed listening to the rapid sounds of Hitoshi's heartbeat and appreciating the gentle caresses that you received. You knew that it was all a dream. And you knew that your boyfriend loved you. Knowing that information you relaxed completely in his arms letting the numbing feeling of sleep overwhelm you. 

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