Halloween (Fluff)

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 It was Halloween, your favorite holiday. You were hosting a party at your house after school and it was about to start, you were dressed as a kitty cat. You invited your whole class and some of class 1-B and 1-C, most people were here but not everyone. Hitoshi Shinsou. You have had a crush on him for a while now and was really hoping that he would show up, your eyes searched the room for what felt like hours but in reality, it was only a few minutes as you looked for your friend Shinsou. Finally, after a few minutes, he walked in dressed as a vampire with fake fangs in and blood dripping down the side of his mouth. To put it simply, he looked smoking hot in it. You hadn't been able to take your eyes off of him for 10 or so minutes until he began to walk towards you.

Then all you could do was look everywhere but at him "Great party" he said bluntly as he poured himself a glass of punch from beside you. "T-T-Thanks Shinsou, I'm glad you're having fun," you said with a smile. He smiled back at you which made your insides to cartwheels and your heart flutter as you stared at him with a red face. The party seemed to die down a bit when your Dj suddenly decided to play a slow song, some people partnered up and began to rock back and forth to the music but you and Shinsou just stood over by the punch ball watched. You were a little upset that you weren't dancing with him but it was okay because at least he was standing here with you. "Uh. Hey, y/n do you maybe want to dance?" Shinsou asked with a red face and a little nervous.

You smiled really big and nodded taking his hand into yours and pulling him towards the dance floor giggling quietly because you got to dance with him. You wrapped your arms around his neck while he wrapped around your waist and you two rocked together to the music, you leaned forward resting your head on his shoulder enjoying the feeling of being warm with him holding you close to his body. "Shinsou...I have something to tell you..." you whispered to him as your arms tightened around his shoulders. "Mhm," he said waiting for you to tell him what you had to. "I uh... I like y-" you were cut off by an explosion by Bakugou knocking you onto your ass taking Shinsou with you. "Bakugou! You Asshat! Knock that shit off!"

You screamed at him while throwing a chair at his face but before you could go any farther in kicking his ass you were halted by two arms wrapping around your waist pulling you into an unknown figure's chest. You turned around to see Shinsou looking at you with a smile on his face and a glimmer in his eyes, the next thing he did completely shocked you. He turned your body around to face him before letting his arms wrap around your waist tighter pulling you into his chest. "I like you too you idiot" he whispered into your ear before one of his hands rested on the back of your head lightly pushing you towards him. Finally, your lips connected making you break out in a smile to know your crush was kissing you, and he liked you back which made the whole situation a lot better. 

Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora