Embarrassed (Fluff)

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 Hitoshi Shinsou did not get embarrassed or flustered. Except when it came to you. You were new to UA, getting in on recommendation halfway through the year and being put into class 1-A. He wasn't jealous of your quirk like he was with most of the other students in that class, instead, whenever he saw you he would just get flustered or embarrassed which wasn't like him at all. He knew deep down inside that he had fallen in love with you but he did his best to ignore that feeling inside of him, but he had fallen for you. He had fallen hard. He wasn't surprised at all though, I mean could you blame him. You were beyond the definition of gorgeous and you were pretty popular among UA students, you were very strong that being obvious with you getting in on recommendation part way through the year.

Which didn't really happen too often but for some reason you had managed it. Whenever he passed you in the hall you would smile at him and wave so he was pretty happy that at least you knew he existed. You two had only talked once and it was when he "accidentally" ran into you making you drop your books, you two then talked for a few minutes before you continued on your day. That happened a little over a month ago and neither of you exchanged a word since then, he wanted to talk to you again more than anything but he was nervous. Everything about you was perfect, but everything about him was the complete opposite of that (not really Shinsou is my baby). He really wanted to be with you someday, he wanted to be your boyfriend and even someday in life be your husband. 

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