17 minutes

360 43 16

After I left the cafe that day, two cakes full and not even guilty, I realised I never even asked for the baristas name.
He's a sweet guy.

The next week went smoothly. I met you at the cafe everyday and you became a part of my daily routine. Wake up, go to the cafe, chat with you, then head to lectures before going home.

On Friday, instead of heading back home after lectures, I went downtown to shop for an outfit to wear to the party.

It wasn't the first party I've been invited to... but it became the first one I actually wanted to go to.
Before, I didn't find parties or raves all that compelling.

Why would anyone want to go to a crowded house full of drunk, sweaty people. Call me boring or old fashioned, but I'd choose to hang out in the park over that.

I guess I didn't have any good experiences at parties. The girls I hang out with are the type to enjoy such gathering together and leave me gazing at them dancing from a seat, somewhere out of the picture.
It's my fault though. I just don't have the confidence to step out into the centre with them. It's not in my nature.

But there I was, throwing away all principles for a guy I've only just met.
I may have admired you from afar for awhile but I had only just met you. Literally a couple of weeks before.

I went into a few clothing stores and came out disappointed from every single one.
Because, when asked to point me in the direction of party-wear, the sales assistants always brought me to the short dresses section.

With a final attempt, I walked into another store.
"Welcome!" A smiley boy waved at me.
"I'm Jung Hoseok, can I be of any assistance?"

I shyly nodded at the energetic boy who's gaze bore into me. He looked extroverted and friendly, a combination that peaked my anxiety.
"Yeah, I was looking for some clothes for a night out."

Hoseok thought to himself and nodded.
"Follow me ma'am."

He then lead me to the party clothes section full of short dresses.
I wasn't even surprised.
Maybe Hoseok could sense my distress or saw it plainly on my face. But either way, he turned to me with a frown.

"Is there anything wrong?"

I was angry.
Why couldn't he see how wrong that was? Did I ask for short dresses? No.
But I see now how I overreacted.

"Yes actually. There is." I snapped.
"Why do you, and every other sales assistant in every fucking store always lead me to short dresses and mini skirts. I don't have the body for that."

I expected the boy to get angry and kick me out of the store for being rude but instead, his expression softened.

"You don't need a specific body type for short dresses or skirts." He smiled warmly.

A furious blush bombarded my face and I was utterly embarrassed.
I had just exposed my insecurities to a stranger.
Way to go Y/N.

"Hey, and honestly if you want my opinion- which you obviously don't but I want to give it anyway." Hoseok said with a playful smile.
"You're not over-weight or under-weight ma'am. I think your body size is perfectly healthy."

And then my cheeks were redder than the crimson dress I was standing next to.

"T-thank you." I squeaked.
I couldn't believe someone actually complimented my body.

The boy laughed and nodded.
"No problem. Let me know if you need any more assistance." He smiled and waved off, leaving me to the dresses.

Hesitantly, I scanned through the array of party dresses but I was too nervous to actually pick one.
Mustering up some courage and the self confidence that Hoseok gave me, I flicked through the dresses.

My eyes landed on one dress that took my breath away.
Its simple all black colour complemented the lace features around the collar. It was a dress that could be dressed down with a pair of sneakers or dresses up with heels and jewellery.
I fell in love.

With a smile I took it off the rack and walked to the cashier.
"Um could I try this on?"

The lady nodded and called over Jung Hoseok.
"Take her to the changing rooms." She asked.

"Yes aunt."
He led me to a few cubicles at the back of the shop.

"Nice choice by the way." He nodded in approval of the black dress in my hands.

"Thanks." I smiled before shutting the cubicle door and looking at myself in the mirror.

"Here goes nothing." I mumbled to myself.
After removing my clothes, I pulled on the dress.

I was reluctant to lift up the zip, I don't think I could have survived mentally if the dress didn't fit. It was a medium, the last one left.

But it did.
It fit well.

"You alive in there?" Hoseok laughed from outside.

"Y-yeah." I croaked, staring at my reflection.
I wasn't entirely repulsed by my own image for once.

"Are these mirrors magic? I don't look too bad." I whispered but Hoseok managed to hear and snorted back a laugh.

"Now I'm intrigued. Would it be alright if I saw?" He asked.

I bit my lip and shrugged. I would need to wear it to the party anyway, people would eventually see me in it.

"Sure." I called back and with a deep breath I opened the little cubicle door.

Hoseok stared at me, jaw dropped.
I started to get a little uncomfortable under his gaze when all of a sudden he broke out into a grin.

"I told you. You have nothing to fear. You look great!"
He was a walking ray of sunshine.

"Thank you." I said and I genuinely meant it.

"So should I ring it up for you?"

I looked back through the open door of the cubicle and at my reflection in the mirror.
With a content smile I nodded.

"Yes please."

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

Timeless [KTH]✔️On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara