13 minutes

331 38 7

I quickly said my goodbyes and dashed off to where you said you were.

I ran up the spiral staircase and onto the second floor of the house. You said you were in the fourth room down from the large oil painting.

When I found the room, I opened it...

To find a naked guy and girl making out on the bed.
"Shit sorry, wrong room!" I breathed, heat rising to my cheeks.

I clicked my tongue as I slammed the door shut, trying to get the image of their bits out of my head.
"Oh my virgin eyes." I muttered before moving to the next door over.

Before I opened it, I put my ear to the door. Pleased that I couldn't hear any moans or the casual grunt. Content with the silence, I pushed the door open.

And there you were, sitting on the bed, head in your hands and looking like a total mess.
With a frown, I shut the door behind me, making you glance up from your shielded position.

"Y/N..." you sighed, repositioning yourself to be cross-legged on the bed.

"Taehyung!" I gasped when I saw your face.
On top of all the old bruises that have darkened into a grizzly purple, are fresh red ones.

You looked away and sighed.

I rushed to your side and pulled your chin so I could see you better.
"What happened?!"

"Yuna's boyfriend showed up." You shrugged.

"He beat you up again?"
I took your silence as a yes.
"Why did you take it?... why didn't you fight back?"

You scoffed and looked away again.
"I'm the one in the wrong Y/N."

"But I don't understand. If you and Yuna love eachother, why don't you both start dating?"

You ruffle your dark brown bangs and glare at me.
"You're really stupid aren't you?" You seethed, voice laced with anger.

"Fine then. I'll go be stupid somewhere else." I grumbled and was about to leave when you grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to sit beside you.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I say shit without thinking...."

I decide to stay. I decide to let it go. After all, you did apologise.
"So... explain it to me since I'm stupid, why can't she break up with her boyfriend and date you?"

With a strained groan, you flop backwards into the bad, splaying your arms out.
"Because we don't love each other! She's just a fuck buddy. Nothing more."

Something churned in my stomach- and it wasn't indigestion.
A trickle of hope? I didn't know for what but I was just hopeful.

I know now.
I was stupid enough to think you could ever love someone deeply and truly. I thought that someone could be me.

"Oh..." I deadpanned. Unsure of what to say. So, with a dramatic sigh, I flopped down beside you, accidentally crushing your arm underneath me.

"Ow!" You hissed in pain. "Elephant."

Hastily, I lifted myself up a bit so you could slide your arm away but instead, you only lifted it up higher.
"There." You mumbled.

Hesitantly, I laid back, your arm fitting perfectly under the curve of my neck.
We're silent for awhile. I was content with listening to your rhythmic breathing.

Until you finally whispered "She didn't even care."

I shuffled on top of your arm and turned to face you, asking 'what?' with my eyes.
"Yuna I mean... when her boyfriend was beating the living shit outta me in the garden... she didn't stop him. Only when I grabbed him by the collar did she decide to intervene. She forced me to let him go and coddled him when I was the one who was hurt."

I didn't say anything, you needed to vent and I was willing to be your ears.
"Like I get it, she didn't love me and I didn't expect her to but... we've been screwing around for weeks... don't I at least deserve a worried look? Some sort of empathy from her?"

You sighed and shut your eyes.
"It's my fault for doing this. My fault for being this way."

"Its not only your fault Taehyung. It's also her fault. She willingly cheated on her boyfriend too."
You hummed but didn't respond.

"But above all... it was your parents fault too. You are the way you are because of them... is it alright if you tell me why?"

"What do you mean why?"

"...Well, I know you pursue taken women because that's what happened to your mother, she had an affair with another man... but I don't get why you do it. Make me understand you..."

A few moments of excruciating silence pass before you turn on you side to face me too.
I stiffen on top of your arm when you bore into my eyes, only inches away from my face.

"I do it out of spite." You finally admitted.
Every word you spoke released a breath of hot air that tickled against my nose, despite the smell of alcohol wafting from you, I loved it.


"...I do it because... happy faithful relationships are a lie. No one can be fully invested into just one person. I know that from what happened to my parents. So I want to inflict that onto others. I guess I'm a disillusionist, showing people that no ones really happy in a relationship, that they're always going to find comfort in the arms of another."

And that was when I first really saw it.

The broken, toxic side of Kim Taehyung.

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

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