22 minutes

546 43 15

I didn't eat that night. Or the day after.

Your words were like the roots of a Hemlock plant snaking around my heart and squeezing, injecting me with toxins.
Words from a mere stranger set me down the path I tried to avoid.

Like an alcoholic that fell off the wagon, only a day later I was binging again.
Compensating for the starvation.
Eating and eating then hating and hating myself.
It was a never ending cycle and I never found an in-between.

But that doesn't matter.
I've only got 22 minutes until the train arrives.

I somehow plucked up the courage to go to the cafe again. It was my favourite place first, I didn't want to be chased out by you.

But something surprised me. When I walked through the glass doors, setting off the familiar chime of the bells above.
I saw you.

Sitting at my table.

The sight of you took my breath away.
I didn't register how handsome you were until that moment. Your hood was down, chin resting in your palm as you stared out the window at nothing in particular.

"Can I help you ma'am?" The barista called from the counter. It snapped me back to reality.

With a nervous laugh, I walked to the menu.
"Sorry. I'm easily distracted."

"No worries. Do you want your usual?" He asked and I arched an eyebrow at him.

"You remember?"

"Of course. You've been coming here for a while."
I noticed that the boys eyes disappeared when he smiled, his eyelids formed endearing crescent moons.

"Oh... No thanks. Not today. I'll have green tea instead."
The boy tilted his head with a small pout before nodding and putting the order through on the till.

"Not to pry, but I noticed you haven't been coming as often recently..." the boy blinked innocently at me. Surely it's a bad thing that even the barista knows I spend too much time at the cafe?

"...I was busy with school work." I lied but he didn't push on the topic. Instead, he nods and began making my tea.

I paid then wondered where I should sit.
Even though you intrigued me, I had at least a little speck of dignity left to not sit in front of you at my table.
So I sat at your old table instead.
Like I said...Dignity.

I placed my mug of green tea on the table then slipped my backpack off and took out my laptop.
I remember that I still had a lot of work to do on my assignment.

I only managed to write a few words down when something was placed beside me.
A slice of strawberry cheesecake.

My eyes trailed up until our eyes interlocked. You looked at me with a sliver of guilt.
"Sorry I was such an ass a couple of days ago." You mumbled before casually walking back to your seat.

I blankly stared at the cheesecake in front of me but my insides were exploding with happiness.

I know. I was pathetic.

After being fat shamed by someone, I'm overjoyed by that same person gifting my weakness.
I was blinded by the idea of you.

The next day, I went into the cafe again. 10am as usual.

You were sitting at my table again. The sunlight danced in your brown hair, making it glow. Your bruises had almost completely faded and you looked healthier.

"What would you like?" The barista smiled.

"My... usual." I shrugged. "Iced coffee and strawberry cheesecake."

The barista smiled again, a bright smile that make his eyes squint.
"Coming right up."

After paying and collecting my meal, I decided to sit at my table again. Where you were.

"Mind if I sit here?" I asked the brooding boy.
He looked up at me and shrugged.

"Not at all."

I kept my poker face on around you but on the inside I was doing cartwheels. You were opening up to me... maybe you wanted help after all.

I sat in the seat in front of you and placed my drink and cake down.
We didn't talk and it slightly grew uncomfortable, I didn't want to say anything so I just silently took little chunks off my slice of cheesecake and ate it.
But you kept staring at me and my order until I finally had enough.

"What? Surprised a fat girl like me is eating this much?"

I broke my pokerface.

I mentally slapped myself for being so impulsive. Why did I have to go off on you so quickly?
I wanted to stay strong but even then, your judgement was breaking me down.

"No... I was wondering why you always order those two."
You pointed at my food.

I bit my lip.

"They taste good."
It wasn't really a lie, that cafe made some really tasty treats. But that's not why I ordered what I did.
It was because of him.

It was his favourite and soon became mine before...

But that's not relevant just yet.

"How do you know this is my usual anyway? Have you been noticing me?" I tried to tease but you didn't take the bait. You didn't really look interested at all.

You gazed at me calmly, resting your chin on your palm.

"Yes. I have noticed you." You said, startling me. I didn't think you'd actually say yes.
My heart was hammering and threatening to jump out of my chest.

You smirked at me, looking me up and down with those playfully cruel eyes of yours.

"You'd be quite pretty if you lost a few pounds."

Smh >~<
I hope you like the story so far! Xx

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

Timeless [KTH]✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن