9 minutes

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I tried to get Jimin to change his mind but he wasn't having it. He didn't want to get rid of that stupid picture frame and he sure as hell wasnt going to let Taehyung back into the store.

"He scared the customers yesterday. My dad saw it on the security cameras and agreed we should ban him."

I rested my elbows on the counter and my chin on a knuckle as I watched him make my iced coffee.
"How did you get that picture of him anyway?"
It was a close up of his face, bruised and angry.

"Yesterday. I called him out on his bullshit then snapped a picture of his face- right before kicking him to the curb."

I rolled my eyes when he handed me my drink.

"Cheesecake too?" Jimin asked.
I looked through the glass display case and bit my lip.

"N-No. not today."

Jimin threw me a look that said
'Yeah right'.
He took out a slice anyway.

"I know you want one. Our cakes are too good."

"Jimin. Seriously. I don't want one." I said, firmer that time.

He sighed and placed the plated strawberry cheesecake on the counter top in front of me.
"Y/N. This has been your go to cake for weeks- heck maybe months. I remember last time you refused to eat it, I overheard what that prick said. You ordered green tea instead. Remember?"

I nodded a little glum.

"That was because you took what he said to heart. Now I want you to listen to me. Hey, look at me."
I complied and looked up at him.

"You. Are. Perfect. No matter what society or some stupid idiot expects from you, you are perfect Y/N. Don't ever forget it." He said simply.
My cheeks became rosy under his determined gaze.
"I wish someone had told me that when I needed it too..." he mumbled.


"Nothing." He said, louder and brighter.
There was hurt in what he had mumbled before, I heard it. But I didn't want to push him, seeing how quickly he covered it up with his bright personality.

"Thanks Jimin... I mean it. You have no idea how much better you've just made me feel."

Jimin grinned and patted my head. The unfamiliar gesture startled me a little, but I ended up smiling from how endearing it was.

"Anytime Y/N."

"Well, I better finish my assignment. Talk soon." I nodded before leaving the counter to my table with my laptop on it.

I spent the next few hours writing my painfully boring essay on Bioinformatics, and thinking about you from time to time.
Where were you? What were you doing? How are you doing? Kim Taehyung you were all I thought about.

Until, my thoughts were answered when you walked through the door.

"No. No no no no." Jimin repeated with a hint of sass.
"Not in my store. Out."

You glared at the slightly shorter boy before brushing straight past him and walking towards me.

"H-hey!" Jimin exclaimed, oozing with anger.
"Get the fuck out."
He didn't sound playful anymore.

"Or what?" You argued, a ghost of a smirk playing on your lips.

Jimin sighed before shrugging.
"I knew it was going to come to this."
He didn't say anything as he walked back to the counter, reached over, and pulled something out.

A bat.
A fricking thick wooden bat.
Your eyes widened as you glanced to me.

"Get out before I make you."

"Oh yeah? I'd have you locked up for harassment!" You yelled back.

"You can't. I'd have you locked up for trespassing first. Beating the living shit out of you would be within my rights" Jimin rebutted with a chuckle, bat in hand and ready to swing.

I took that as my cue to stand in the middle of them. A minute longer and someone would have lost a limb.

"Guys." I sighed, anxiously looking between the two boys.
"Let's all just take a breath."

"Yeah, take a breath Jimin, it'll be your last." You growled.

"Alright! That's it!" I finally exclaimed, stomping back to my table to pack up my things.
"You both have fun, I'm outta here."
I needed to get my assignment done and the racket wasn't helping. I'd rather leave the cafe then watch the both of you fight one another like cat and dog.

Jimin pouts and lowers his weapon.
"You're leaving?"

"Yeah, need to get my work finished. See you tomorrow Jimin."
He sighed but nodded.

"Alright." Jimin frowned. "You better not show up here ever again, or I'll call the police." He grumbled at you.

You just scoffed and followed me out.
"Can you believe that dwarf? Trying to act tough on me."

"He had a point Taehyung. You were upsetting the customers too." I shrugged, briskly walking home.

"Hey why do you sound bitter?" You groaned. "Are you still annoyed?"

"Well... kind of Tae, I can't just snap myself out of my feelings."
I stopped walking when I realised you did too.
You stood a few steps behind, with a look I've come to know and hate.

"Why are you so damn sensitive Y/N? I thought we talked through this shit yesterday!" You yelled, throwing me off guard.


"Whatever." You sighed harshly, ruffling your hair and walking away in the opposite direction.

I looked left, down the road leading home then to the right at your shrinking figure in the distance, I weighing my options. Go home and do my assignment or apologise and fix things with you.
Biting my lip I decided to follow my heart.

I followed you.

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

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