16 minutes

350 41 8

I was shitting myself by 7pm the next day.

Sorry, was that too vulgar?

Anyway, nervous was an understatement.
I got dressed and ready a whole hour early so I waited in my living room like a chicken who was about to be dragged off to the slaughter house.

When 7:45 finally rolled around, I got up, slipped my heels and a jacket on then finally left the safety and comfort of my home.

Around ten minutes later, I was at the café.
But you weren't there yet.

"Hey!" The barista beamed from the counter. He looked me up and down before a shy smile played on his lips.

"Where are you headed all dressed up?"

I smiled and looked him up and down too. He wasn't wearing his usual blue jeans and white shirt under the green apron but rather black leather trousers, paired with a white v-lined shirt and a red sparkly jacket.

"I could ask you the same thing."

He chuckled and playfully pointed his finger at me as I walked up to the counter.
"No fair, I asked you first."

"Well Im supposed to be meeting a friend to go to a party near here."
The boy cocked an eyebrow at me.

"I'm going to close up shop and head to a party soon too."
He ran a hand through his hair before resting his elbows the counter and his chin on the base of his palms.
"Are you going to the one on Cherry street?"

I shrugged.
"I don't really know. I was invited but I have no idea who's throwing it or where."

The boy laughed and my heart fluttered at the sound.
"You have a really pretty laugh." I blurted out and I swear the boys cheeks were lightly dusted with pink.


"Hey if we're going to the same party, let's all go together."

The boy smiled and nodded.
"I'd like that... so is this friend that's picking you up, Taehyung? The regular who sits with you sometimes?"

I nodded.


"Do you know him too?"

"Yeah, he's a friend of a friend. We aren't really friends though..."

"Oh..." I nodded.
"Oh! By the way, I don't even know your name yet!" I suddenly exclaimed.

The boy smacked his hand over his mouth and laughed.
"Stop laughing at my stupidity." I pouted, faking annoyance.

He pulled his hand away and laughed again.
"Sorry. I'm Park Jimin."

Ah, finally, after eight chapters the narrator finally learned the baristas name.

"I'm Y/N L/N."

Jimin grinned and stuck his hand out toward me.
"Well Y/N L/N. Wanna be friends?"

I rolled my tongue across my inner cheek and looked up.
"Hmm... let me think about it." I joked.

Jimin groaned, reaching over the counter and grabbing my hand.
He shook it with a playful smile.
"Now we're friends and there's no going back."

I stuck my tongue out but eventually nodded.

Then, the bell chimed from above the door, and we both turned our heads toward you.
You walked in and looked at my hand in Jimins.

I suddenly pulled my hand away, ignoring the confused and slightly hurt look on Jimins face. I don't know why I did that. I didn't need to... but I still did.

"Ready to go?" You asked, voice a little colder than usual.

"Y-yeah. What street is the party on though?"

"Cherry street, why?"

Beaming, I turned back to Jimin who made his way around the counter and to my side.
"Jimin is heading to the same party then. Let's all go together."

You nodded and shot Jimin a thin smile.
"Sure, let's go."

The walk there was excruciatingly quiet. Until you finally spoke.

"So Jimin, how's Dance at Uni?"

Jimin smiled and shrugged.
"Pretty good." He answered vaguely.
But I thought Jimin said he wasn't really friends with you...how did you know his major?

"Wait do you go to Daegu University too?" I asked Jimin.

"Yeah... I've seen you around campus." He smiled to himself, glancing at the ground as we walked through the streets, dimly lit by lampposts.

"So... how do you two know each other?" I asked again.

Even though it was dark, I still caught the awkward look you threw at Jimin.

"We don't really..." Jimin trailed. But I knew there was something I was missing.

After awhile, you finally sighed.
"Jimin and I went to the same high school. That's all."

Jimin nodded.
"We never really hung out or anything... I was pretty surprised to see you at the cafe and around school." Jimin smiled at you.
But it looked strained. I guess they're oil and water. The don't mix well.

"We should talk more." You nodded back at Jimin.

Jimin stayed silent and just nodded too.

"we're here." You beamed.
The place was massive.
Music blasted from within the large mansion, drawing in partygoers.

As the three of us neared the building, my heart began to beat to the loud bass. It was uncomfortable yet exhilarating at the same time.

"Let me introduce you to my friends!" You beamed over the blaring music. I nodded but you dragged me off before I could even say goodbye to Jimin.

Deflated, I waved at the blonde boy who just smiled and waved back a little weakly.

You lead me through sweaty bodies by the arm, as if I would've gotten lost on my own. Which was true.
The place is ginormous.

"There they are." You mumbled, I barely registered your voice but I followed your gaze to a group of guys seated on a few plush red couches in the corner of the living room.

You tugged me towards them but as soon as we neared, you quickly dropped my arm.
Confused, I silently followed behind you.

"Babe!" You cooed.

My heart plummeted when I saw you crash your lips against a girl with a tight short skirt and hair dyed a bold, bright blue.

She's beautiful.

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

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