12 minutes

328 36 8

I silently comforted you for an hour.
Talking about random things from time to time, but mostly appreciating the silence between us.

"Hey." You said after being quiet for so long. The sound of your voice echoed in the room a bit, startling me.

"Hmm?" I replied.

"Thanks for this."
I turned around to face you again, shuffling until we're face to face.
Your gaze was deeper than before. There was something behind it that I couldn't quite decipher.

"You..." you trailed off. Slowly, you brought your free hand up to my face and gently tucked the hair that covered the side of my eye, behind my ears.

My cheeks instantly heated up when I felt your delicate fingers against my skin.
It was such an electrifying feeling, I wondered if you felt it to.

But you never finished your sentence.
You just stared at me...
And for a second, I thought I saw your eyes flicker down to my lips.

I was wrong. I must have been because you quickly shot up.
"What is it?" I asked you as you cleared your throat.

A few more seconds of silence pass, you stared at the floor, biting your lower lip looking so lost in thought. I wanted to dive into your mind, to see what was troubling you.

"I should get home." was all you said before you got off the bed and left me alone in that bedroom, wondering why you had fled so abruptly.

After collecting my thoughts, I left too.
The party was still lively as ever, nothing had changed in that hour.
There were people kissing, dancing, vomiting and kissing some more.

The atmosphere was unbearable.
So I walked to the door and left.
You weren't there so what's the point in staying?

As I walked out, I heard someone call my name from the door.

I turned around to see the bright and bubbly Jimin, cheeks slightly rosey from the alcohol.

"Hey Jimin." I smiled. A genuine smile.
He walked over and put his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Are you going home?" He asked and I nodded.

"Same, let's go together!" Jimin beamed, slightly jumping on the heels of his toes.
I couldn't help but chuckle at his cuteness.

"Are we even going in the same direction? I live over there."
I pointed off to the left and he nods.

"Yeah... well not exactly that way, but I can take a detour."

"Why? Don't bother Jimin."

He smiled again, a bright eye smile that warmed me up in the cold breeze of the night.
"There could be dangerous people around!"

But I still didn't want to trouble him.
"It's really alright Jimin."

"Oh shush. I won't take no for an answer. Let's go!"
He marched off without me, leaving me no choice but to let him walk me home.
Giggling, I ran up beside him and we walked together.

He didn't say anything for a few seconds, he just looked at my bare arms and nodded.

"Hey hey hey, you don't need to pamper me." I argued when Jimin slung his sparkly red jacket around my arms.
"I'm not that cold! I'm fine, really!"

"You think I'm doing this for you?! I'm saving myself from flirting with another guy if they try to snatch you up." He laughed.
I rolled my eyes and playfully hit him on the shoulder.

"Plus, it looks amazing on you. Really suits the dress."

I widened my eyes at his casual comment. Jimin said I looked...amazing.
Well he said the jacket looked amazing on me...at the time I was too much of a blushing mess to analyse.

But why did I want to hear those words from you instead?

I shook my head, getting rid of thoughts about you.
"T-thank you Jimin."
He smiled down at me as we turned the corner.
As we walked we talked about a lot of things.

Jimin told me about his work, that he comes in with his dad before the cafe opens to make the desserts, how he balances between school and work and that the strawberry cheesecake was going to get wiped from the menu but he insisted it stayed, for me.
We talked about our majors, about our hobbies about stupid things, silly things about so many things... by the time we're in front of my house, it only felt like a short walk.

There wasn't a dull moment or silence, we just talked. It felt nice to be listened to, to just have a conversation.

"See you later!" Jimin grinned and turned around. When he got a few steps away, I remembered the sparkly red material laying on my shoulders.

"Wait! Your jacket!" I called after him.

He turned around with a laugh.
"Keep it! It looks better on you anyway!"

Who knew a red diva jacket would cause such havoc at the Café the next day.

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

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