4 minutes

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I was crumbling inside.
Worry gnawed at my heart every time I glanced at my phone.
You barely replied to my texts for days. You didn't show up at the café at all. You were becoming a figment of my imagination.

Until one day, circumstance led me to see you again...
what were those circumstances? Well, your friends.

"Becky, have you seen that new video??" Clara squealed from beside me.

"No, show me!" Becky giggles back from next to Clara.
They were my friends... but I don't think we were close enough to be 'friends'.
Even though we were all on the same lunch table in the cafeteria, I was the outsider.
Clara and Becky are just closer to each other than they are to me.

Their backs were always turned to me, giggling and gossiping together. I was in the limbo between friend and stranger. And I hated it there.

"Y/N?" A voice called.
I stopped picking at my pickled radishes and looked up.
Jin stood in front of our table, smiling.

"Oh hey, I haven't seen you in ages." I grinned back.

"Same! Mind if I sit here?" He asked me then looked to my 'friends'.
They widened their eyes and nodded eagerly.
Becky and Clara were then facing me.

"Who's this, Y/N??" Clara asked with sparkling eyes.

"This is Jin." I smiled before turning back to Jin.
"Is Jimin around?"

Jin shook his head.
"No, he's in a lecture right now. But he'll be at Yoongi's party tonight."

I tilted my head, giving him a 'what' expression.
"You're coming right?"

"I didn't even know about it." I laughed awkwardly.

"Did Taehyung not tell you about it? Or Jimin?" He asked, making me question all my relationships.
No one told me anything.

I hesitantly shook my head.

"Well take this as a formal invitation. You're coming." He nodded and sat back on his chair with a chuckle.

"Can we... come too?" Becky asked, licking her bottom lip.

Jin gave me a side glance before shrugging.
"Sure. Hey Y/N, Hoseok and Namjoon are in the library, let's go see them."
He stood up and motioned toward the door with his head.

"Yeah okay, its been awhile since I spoke to them."
So I got up, waved goodbye to my acquaintances before leaving with Jin.

Once through the doors... I realised Jin never gave the two girls Yoongi's address...

After school, I went home and got ready.
When I was just about to slip into a shiny top and jeans, my phone buzzed.

Hey so... Jin told me you were coming to Yoongi's party.

Y/N, I didn't want you to know about it for a reason... I hope you change your mind and stay home instead.

I had to re-read his text a few times.
There's no way Jimin would tell me not to come.
Why would he say that?

Why can't I go?

Y/N, Please. I don't want to see you hurt. Just trust me and don't come.

Why not Jimin?? Just tell me!

I know you care about Taehyung. You might even have feelings for him. So I'm doing this for you, I just don't want you to get hurt.

I didn't understand anything. Jimin was never like that, he was so straight forward with everything. Mentioning you confused me, everything about Jimins persistence confused me.

Taehyung? What about him?

And he didn't reply.
But I wasn't going to go unanswered. Confused and mostly angry, I finished getting ready and headed out.

Parading through the doors of Yoongi's brightly lit mansion empowered me. I was comfortable in my jeans and blue shiny top, and I was a girl on a mission.

Find Jimin or you and get to the bottom of both of your weirdness. Especially you...
After kissing me like your life depended on it, you vanished. Like an apparition, you disappeared, but I was still yearning for your lips on mine again.

I spotted Yoongi and another boy standing in the corner of the living room, chugging alcohol in red cups.

"Hey, have you seen Taehyung?" I asked, ignoring the glares I was receiving from some very tipsy girls.

Yoongi shook his head before turning to his friend.
"Jungkook, have you seen Tae?"

Jungkook thought for a moment before smirking.
"I think he's upstairs somewhere." The boy shrugged with a glint in his eyes.

"Alright, thank you." I smiled and walked away. It took a lot of effort to skirt around the maddened dancing bodies and to avoid stepping on beer bottles or the occasional pool of vomit... but I eventually made it to the staircase and started climbing up.

The second floor was thankfully quieter which I appreciated.
Jungkook didn't specify where exactly you were so I just started peeking my head through the open doors and knocking on the closed ones.

But you weren't anywhere to be found.

Frowning, I went up another flight of stairs onto the third floor. There were only three rooms facing the opening of the stair case.
Two were open... and one was closed.

Without giving it much thought, I looked in the two open rooms, but you weren't in them either. So I knocked on last door.

"Taehyung?" I called. Silence ensued.

Oh stupid Y/N. Stupid, naive Y/N.
I should have taken Jimins advice. I should have stayed at home.
Because that door finally swung open.

And you stood on the other side...towel draped over your bottom half. My eyes widened at a view, I was thrown off... especially when I heard shuffling from behind.

"Taehyung-Ah, come back to bed." A honey-like voice called from within the room.
I shifted my gaze past your nonchalant one and to the bed behind you.

A girl I had never seen before was laying underneath the bed sheets. Her her was tussled and her bright red lipstick was smeared.

"T-Tae?" I croaked. Unable to believe my eyes. The boy I devoted my time to... the boy who kissed me and I actually thought like me back...

"What?" You demanded. "You're interrupting us."

I didn't even know what to say. What did I expect?
Swallowing the growing stone in my throat, I turned around on my heels and left. You didn't call after me, I think I even heard you shut the door.
You never cared for me, I never made you 'want to change', we were never meant to be together.
What did I think would happen? That you would somehow love me? That I could make you happier and heal your scars?

Who was I kidding.

You're nothing but a fuckboy.

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

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