5 minutes

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It was cold that night.
Nearing winter. I wrapped myself up in a beige scarf and matching woven hat with a poofy ball dangling at the top.

Stepping out my house, I thought I was crazy. I mean, why else would I go meet the boy I was crying over. Because I was crazy.
Crazy for you.

You said to meet you at the park. So I started walking there.
On the way to you, I thought to myself- I understand your actions.
I mentally went through everything that happened and told myself to be reasonable.

I understood that you must've just forgot about my past. Forgotten about the time I confided you about my brother passing. You just simply forgot, that's all.
And I told myself that's okay.
It's human nature to forget, I shouldn't ridicule or be angry at you for it.

But deep down, I knew I was just kidding myself. I was just gripping at straws, making excuses...because I didn't want to loose you.
That I somehow in the past few weeks of getting to know you, fell in love along the way . The good, the bad- all of you.
Though I wouldn't dare say it out loud.

After treading through the gravel path in the lamppost-lit park, I saw a figure wearing a long black coat sat on the bench.
As I drew closer, I could tell it was you. You saw me too, and stood up.

With a deep breath, I slowed my pace and stopped in front of you, hands tucked securely under my armpits, both for warmth and protection against... you? I guess even though I understood why you hurt me, I didn't want to be hurt again.

"You came..." you breathed, surprised that I even showed up.

"Yeah I did. Why did you call me here?"

You bit your lip and dug at the ground with your black boots.
"I wanted to apologise." You shrugged, like a child caught doing something naughty, so they have to apologise.
"I'm sorry for being insensitive."

And that surprised me. You usually blamed me for being overly sensitive but now you're admitting for being too harsh.
I was curious to why you changed.

"I've been horrible recently... because... -because I..." you groaned and ruffled your hair, there was clearly something you wanted to say but just couldn't- and I was dying to know what.
"It's not supposed to be like this...I-I'm not supposed to want something more."

You were confusing me. I didn't understand any of your ramblings but you didn't bother to explain.

"I'm a serial cheater. I'm a douchebag, a fuckboy. That's all I am and all I'll ever be." You scoffed.

"I..I want to believe that you don't have a bad bone in your body... but everyone does. Everyone's a little twisted deep down. Don't sell yourself short because of it. If you don't like being a 'fuckboy'... then don't be."

You gazed up at me, slightly agape.
"I-It's not that simple. I've always been like this, it's all I've ever known but... but recently I..."
You trailed off again.

"What? Taehyung you're not making any sense." I sighed when you didn't finish your sentence. I wasn't in the mood to listen to your stammering, I had already wasted enough time on you... but there I was, standing in the cold doing exactly that.

Something flickered in your eyes, was it frustration? Or... determination? I guess I'll never really know.
But before I knew it, you were striding towards me. Long, powerful steps that mimic a tiger marching towards its prey.

I wanted to step back, but before I could you grabbed my arm.
"T-Tae?" I gawked as your face neared mine, accelerating my heartbeat.

I felt your breath hot against my face, it warmed me against the harsh cold air.
"You make me want to change." You whispered in a low and strained voice, sending tingles down my spine.

Then, the unimaginable happened.

You crashed your lips against mine.

I was frozen for a moment, stunned to feel your soft but hungry lips caress mine. But I soon melted into you. It was everything I wanted.
Your hands found their way into my hair, pushing at the back of my head to get me closer to you.

Your lips were fast, desperate almost. But sweet. Oh so sweet.
You let out a soft moan, making me dizzy with euphoria. Everything was just perfect, I may have even cried a few tears of joy.
Then it took a turn, the kiss grew more passionate, more fierce, I could barley breathe.
It was going too fast.

Your lips parted and you slid your tongue into my mouth, startling me, but I didn't back away.
Suddenly, your palms dropped down my back and tugged at the hem of my jumper.
With a swift motion, your hands slipped under my top, rubbing my hips and working their way up the side sides of my stomach.

That was when I had to pull away. Before you could reach any higher... in the middle of the park.

We were both panting underneath the lamppost light, lost in each others eyes.

"I-I'm sorry... but we were going too fast." I stammered. I shut my eyes briefly reminiscing your lips against mine. Missing them.

"I'm nothing more than a fuckboy." You whispered, making me open my eyes again.
Your gaze was fixed on the ground, you looked lost.

You backed away and started walking.
"W-where are you going??" I called but you didn't stop, you didn't explain anything.
You just left me, shivering in the freezing night, missing your hands on my body.
Missing you.

That was the last I saw of the Kim Taehyung I miss.
The last before... I finally saw the real you.

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

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