14 minutes

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I laugh at the memory, earning strange looks from other people waiting for the train.

I didn't laugh in the moment though. I was too speechless to do anything.
"What the fuck?!" The man practically growled, balling up Jimins shirt and yanking him closer.

"Are we going to kiss?" Jimin joked, batting his eyelashes flirtatiously.
The wine soaked man instantly dropped Jimin, his scowl is wiped away and overcome with a look of disbelief and rage.

"Filthy." He spat, hastily running away from the smug looking blonde boy.

Jimin then turned to me with a playful eye smile.
"Hey Y/N."

"Don't 'hey Y/N' me! What was that??" I exclaimed.
Jimin laughed before giving me a stern look.

"You need to watch where you're going. That was Hyunbin. He's a notorious fuck boy." Jimin shook his head before the corners of his lips tugged up a little.
"...And a raging homophobic."

"Well played." I smiled.
"Thank you for saving me."

Jimin grinned and reached out to ruffle my hair.
"Anytime Y/N..." he was silent for a moment before clearing his throat.
"So, where's Taehyung?"

My heart dropped at the mention of your name.
"With his friends."

Jimin nodded before beaming a heartwarming smile.
He grabbed my arm and tugged gently.
"Come on, let's go meet our friends."

"Our??" I questioned.

Jimin turned around briefly in the middle of leading me somewhere to shoot me a look that said 'well obviously'.
"You're my friend as of today and I told you no backsies. my friends are your friends too. Plus they really want to meet you."

"They know me?? How?"

Jimin cleared his throat again.
"Well I-I...spoke to them earlier! Y-Yes, I told them we're friends now."
I found his stammering adorable as I silently followed him.

"Jimin!" A guy with a blazer and an air of grace called as we neared what seemed to be a games room.
"And you must be Y/N." A broad shouldered guy smiled.

"Oh it's you!" Another boy with red hair smiles. I remember seeing him before, he sold me the dress I was wearing that night.

"Hoseok! Hello." I smiled but on the inside, I was cursing myself for being so cringeworthy when I was a looking for dresses. He must've remembered me as the annoyingly self-conscience customer.

"You two know eachother?" Jimin asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Kind of, she was a nice customer at my aunts store." Hoseok replied with an energising giggle.
He seemed to be so full of life and joy.

"I'm Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you."
Another boy held out a hand for me to shake and I did so with a blush.

"And I'm the better Kim, Kim Seokjin." The broad shouldered boy flashed a dazzling smile.
These boys are all really handsome.

"Jin... hyung?" I asked, remembering what you called your friend earlier.
"Are you friends with Taehyung?"

Jin nodded happily.
"You know Taehyung too? Wow what a small world."
I chuckled and nodded.

"Jin's the 'friend of a friend' I told you about." Jimin nodded towards Jin before setting his gaze on me.
So Jin was the connection between Jimins group of friends and yours.

"The dress was a good pick." Hoseok grinned at me, nudging Jimin.
"Isn't it Jimin, doesn't she look great?"

I saw Jimins Adam's apple bob up and down.
"Uh... yeah you do." He finally said, not meeting my eyes.

"You go to Daegu University?" Namjoon chirps in, more like a statement than a question but I nod anyway.
"Cool, well if we see each other around, let's be friendly."

"Yeah!" Jin enthusiastically added.
I nodded eagerly. "Definitely."

The five of us played a few games afterward. My favourite was air hockey, mainly because I beat every single one of them.

That night was one of the best nights I had in a while. I had so much fun with Jimin and his friends, they all welcomed me with so much warmth and friendliness.
They even gave me their numbers so I could call them whenever I needed anything or to hang out. Sweet guys.

I was having a blast... until my phone rang.

"One minute." I said.
The boys nodded before continuing to cheer for Namjoon on the pac man machine.

Fondly shaking my head at their goofiness, I pulled out my phone to see your name on it.
You were calling me.
And I was more than just a little excited.

I slid my thumb over the green button and brought the phone up to my ear.
"Taehyung? What is it?"

You were silent for a little while. Music only barely emanated from your side, so I knew that you must have moved pretty far from the living room.

"Y/N..." you whispered. You sounded so broken that I swear I almost gasped.

"Hey, are you okay?"

You made a noise that sounded like a muffled sniffle.

"N-No. I'm not okay. I really need you to save me again."

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

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