8 minutes

311 36 4

[drugs and reference to suicide]

I remember swallowing my pride and apologising for being sensitive over and over and over again until you finally forgave me.

Silly of me to have feelings.

We went to the park and just hung out, walking  down the floral paths and chatting. It felt relaxing but also strained. It was as if I was walking on eggshells around you, not wanting to express my true feelings on whatever we spoke about in case it upset you.
I didn't want to disagree with you in any way.
I wanted us to be happy and sweet together.

But like a rotting fruit, our sweetness was bound to expire at some point. And that point was soon.

We went our separate ways and I headed back to the Café instead of going straight home.

Jimin perked up when he saw me stroll through the café doors.
"You're back!" He beamed, ushering me over to the till.

"Bit quieter this afternoon isn't it?" I said, scrunching my nose at the practically empty store.

"Well that's because- hey do you like never read your texts?" Jimin squinted at me.

"What? Why?" I mumbled as I pulled out my phone and switched it on.

I got the green light from my dad to shut the Café early today. Wanna hang out?


Jimin rolled his eyes and flicked me on the forehead.
"You doofus."

I pouted and rubbed the sore spot on my forehead.
"Meanie." I grumbled before smiling.
"But yeah, let's hang out, I'll do this stupid assignment tomorrow."

Jimins face lighted up at that and he eagerly nodded.
"Yeah, do it tomorrow! Who cares about school work anyway."

I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"So, where do you want to go??"

Jimin thought for a moment before grinning.
"This new amusement park opened up near here, let's go."

"Sounds fun. What time?"

He strummed his fingers on the counter before he clasped his hands together.

"Right now?"

"Yup! I'm giving you five minutes to go home and leave your laptop and stuff. Then meet me here."

"Five minutes? Jim I'm not Usain Bolt." I whimpered.

"Jim?" He shuddered. "Call me Chim at least, Jim is too normal."

I laughed and nodded.
"Alright, chimmy, five minutes is still too little!"

"Well you better get going then!" He laughed mischievously, ushering me towards the door.

I groaned yet still scampered away.
In a flash I got home, took my phone, wallet and keys but discarded my bag on the living room floor before zooming back to the cafe.

Leaned beside the now shut and locked doors is Jimin, wearing black ripped jeans, shirt and a black leather jacket.
He must've changed out of his work clothes.

When he spotted me, he straightened up and glanced at his wrist watch.
"Three minutes late Y/N L/N. What have you got to say for yourself?" He asked me with a stern voice.

"I'm sorry." I gulped. Looking down.
"I ran as fast as I could."
Jimin chuckled and slung and arm across my shoulders.

"I was joking, don't be afraid to call me out on my shit. You're right, five minutes is way too little, I'm actually surprised you got here so fast." He laughed.
I punched the side of his stomach as we start walking.

"Jiminie Pabo, I rushed over here for nothing." I whined, glaring at him.
He giggled and patted my head.

"No, not for nothing. Now, we have the whole afternoon to have fun! Let's go!"

With a bright smile, we walked side by side all the way to the new amusement park. I remember it being flooded with people.

We managed to get a few tickets to a couple of rides and a haunted house.
"Can we pleaseeeee go on a ride first." Jimin pleaded, glancing up at the scary, dark haunted house attraction.

"Nope, come on you big baby." I laughed, grabbing his wrist and tugging him in.
Admittedly, I was scared too.
The eerie background music didn't help either as we hesitantly walked through the pitch black hall.

"Oh shit." Jimin hissed under his breath when he accidentally stood on a plastic bloody hand.
He then huddled closer behind me.

We only managed to walk a few more steps before our souls almost left our bodies when a dirty, bloody girl in a white dress and hair cascaded over her face jumped out and screamed.

"AHHHHH!" Jimin and I screamed in unison, practically bolting past the laughing actor and out the other end.

Once outside and comforted by the masses of people, I finally sighed in relief.
"Never again." I shuddered. When I looked at Jimin, he was focused on something... I followed his eyes, downwards to see our fingers intertwined, holding each other's hands tightly.

"Oops sorry..." I mumbled, pulling my hand out of his. Jimins hand was frozen midair for a moment before he flops it down to his side again.

"It's okay..." he nodded. "That shit was so scary."
It was scary. But not as scary as what was about to light up phone.

I felt a buzz in my pocket.
Casually, I pulled my phone out and unlocked the screen.

1 new message from: Taehyungie

Curiosity drove my finger to swipe on the notification, taking me to the direct messenger app.

Y/N... I can't do this anymore.

And attached below his message is a picture... of him holding a bottle of pills.

I didn't realise I was running until Jimin yelled after me.

"Where are you going!"

"I-I cant let this happen again." I whispered, running faster, feeling time slip through my fingers.

Please star, comment and enjoy <3

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