15.3.3 (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Xever x Vigilante! Reader

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Requested by blue_divergents


Sneaking out of your house was never difficult, considering you were an only child and your mom was never home. 

Crawling out of your window, you quickly made your way across the rooftops, barefoot and the cool wind blowing softly.

After thrity minutes of freeing, you had made it to your destination. Three sillouetes, your fellow vigilantes.

The four of you called yourselves "The Shapeshifters", even though Leo and Xever couldn't change shape.

You walked forward in the moonlight, and eyed your comrades.

"Hey." You greeted softly, still shivering.

"Why aren't you wearing something warmer?" Leo asked, eyeing your raggedy clothes. He had always been like an older brother to you.

"M-Mom d-didn't pay a-any bills, s-so I c-couldn't wash a-anything." You managed to stutter out.

Xever took off his jacket and gave it to you.

"I'm fi-" You started, but Xever covered your mouth.

"If you were fine, you would not be shivering." He said. "That's the only reason I brought the jacket."

Your face heated up, and the jacket made you warmer.

"Thank you." You said, snuggling into the jacket.

"So, what happens when a fish, a turtle, a snake, and a shapeshifter walk into a bar?" You asked as you and your gang made you way across building roofs.

"Well, if we were animals," Karai said, "We would be eaten, considering that skin snatchers kill animals and steal their appearance."

"Skin Snatcher is a weird term, but not wrong." You said.

"So, this blind guy walks into a bar. And a chair. And a table." Xever said.

Karai snorted and you started laughing, Xever chuckling with you.

"What is wrong with you people?" Leo asked, looking at the three vigilantes.

"We are pretty messed up." Karai said, "But that's why you love me."

Leo blushed, and the three of you continued to laugh.

This was how most nights went, all of you hanging out and joking, escaping the responsibilities that burdened the four of you during the daytime.

You four had been laughing for a while, after some joke that Leo had said, and the laughter slowly died down.

You leaned on Xever and yawned. The sun had started to rise, and the four of you sat on the roof.

"I should probably be heading back to the lair." Leo said, standing up. Karai stood with him. 

"I'll come as well." She said, taking his hand. They walked off, shoving each other lightly and laughing.

"This is nice." You commented, both of you watching the sun rise.

Xever nodded, and you both sat quietly, enjoying the view and each other's presence.


Aaaa it was short I apologize.

Also, I'm planning on writing a short story, go to my page for more.

Remember, my comic is on Webtoon, and it's called Decanex

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