1.1.1 (The Promise Neverland) Ray x Reader

382 5 3

Lemme explain the numbers real quick.

The first number is the number of chapters

The Second number is the number of times that series/movie/book/comic has been in a chapter

The Third number is how many times the character has been requested.

Questions ----------------->

(Totally not forced to) requested by ALittleTeaspoon

This is gonna be an AU where it's a really strict boarding school. 


You grabbed your books and walked briskly to your dorm, which you shared with Emma.

"Hey, Emma!" You greeted cheerfully as you shut the door behind you.

"Hey, Y/N!" Emma greeted, looking up from the picture she was drawing.

"Would you like to come study with Ray and I?" You asked her.

"No, thanks. You two go enjoy your study date." Emma said as she continued to draw.

"Alright then!" You said, turning to the door.

You two enjoy your date

You whipped around as your cheeks heated up. "I-It's not a d-date!" 


You entered the library and looked for your favorite person, who you my or may not have a huge crush on.

You saw his black hair and walked over to him, hiding your still pink cheeks.

"H-Hey, Ray!" You greeted, sitting across from him and setting your schoolbooks down. 

He nodded, acknowledging your presence as you opened your book.

You both started reading, but you would always find yourself glancing up at him. After about an hour, you looked up to admire him.

But you caught his eyes.

You both looked down quickly and pretended nothing had happened.

You kept looking up every now and then, and you would catch him staring at you more frequently.

You looked up, and caught his eyes again. But, you couldn't look away this time, and he didn't look away either.

You both stared into each other's eyes, and you wondered what he was thinking.

You both quickly looked down and pretended to study again as a teacher walked by the two of you.

The teacher eyed you both skeptically before walking away.

You both looked back up at the exact same time.

Your cheeks were a light pink, although Ray didn't show much emotion.

You looked back down and sighed. He was probably just looking at something behind you and you were in the way of him seeing it.

"A-Am I in the way?" You asked.

"In the way of what?" Ray asked, looking up at you.

"I-I don't know. Y-You just kept looking up s-so I assumed-"

"The only thing you're doing wrong is having such beautiful eyes, it's distracting." Ray said, looking back down at his book.

You choked on air and looked back at him.

"W-What?" You asked. What he said was probably your imagination getting the better of you.

"Let's go outside and study, the library is getting crowded." Ray said, closing his book and standing up.

You followed suit, closing your book and standing up. You both walked outside, while staying on the premises, and sat under a tree to continue to study.

"Y/N." Ray said.

You looked over at him and smiled.

"Yes, Ray?" You asked, looking at him curiously.

"Come closer." Ray said, patting the spot beside him.

You silently obeyed, your cheeks heating up at the close contact.

"I like this." You commented.

"Same here, Y/N."


Alright, how was it?

Requests -------> (Don't forget to state the fandom/character/ and what you want it to be about)

Questions ------> (About me or the book)

Don't forget, if you want to remain anonymous for requests, PM me what you want and I won't mention you.

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