9.1.1 (Zootopia) Nick Wylde x Reader

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So, in this one, you're a fox. You can be whatever color and wear whatever you want.

Also, found it kinda funny how the chapter is 911 and this is my favorite one so far


Now that Officer Judy Hopps had solved the case, everything went back to normal.

Well, almost

You still got dirty looks, since you were a fox. Often you weren't allowed in a store for some random, and completely made up, reason.

It did hurt your feelings, and you tried your best to ignore it, but it didn't always work.

You walked into the only store that liked you, and smiled at the person at the register. He was a rabbit.

He must have been new, because you knew all the employees and he didn't seem familiar. He glared at you and your smile dropped.

Rabbits didn't like you at all, no tolerance or anything. There was one rabbit who liked your company, but she passed in a car accident a few years back.

You quickly got your stuff and went up to the register, waiting in the line.

You noticed that there was a fox in front of you, and he seemed to be having trouble.

"Come on, I just need the milk." He said, looking at the rabbit at the register.

"I think not. You aren't in dress code. No hoodies." The rabbit said, sticking his nose in the air in a stuck up way.

" 'Scuse me, sir?" You walked up beside the other fox.

"Wait in line, fox." The rabbit sneered.

"Now hold on. You forgot the 'nice looking' in front of fox." The fox beside you winked, and you rolled your eyes, trying to make it seem like you weren't flustered.

"Actually," you looked at the rabbit, "I'm with him. Part of the PAAP." You flashed a fake badge with the initials to the employee.

"What does that stand for?" He asked.

"Protection Against Amazing People. Or PAAP for short." You said. "Gives me the right to arrest anyone that I catch being racist."

"How about a discount for the lovely couple?" The employee asked, looking at the two of you.

The fox beside you smirked, and you couldn't hide your light blush/ flustered face.

"That would be nice." The fox said, taking his stuff off the counter and you put yours up there.

"Let me offer you some free advice." You said, looking at the rabbit. "Talk less, smile more."


You both left the store, and after burst out laughing.

"Was that Hamilton?" He asked after you both had stopped laughing.

"Yep! I'm Y/N, by the way." You said, holding out your paw.

"Nick." He shook it, and you both held on for a moment. "May I offer you a date? My pleasure."

"How can I say no to this?" You used a reference, and you could tell he caught it.

He kissed your paw, "Till we meet again."


I loved writing this

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