7.1.1 (PJO/HOO) Nico di Angelo x Reader

206 6 3

Requested by damfangirl2008

I decided to switch it up a little bit, that way there isn't the same fandom after the other. I've got everyone's requests down and half written, so don't worry.


You walked around the camp, searching for your boyfriend.

"Neeks!" You shouted, using his nickname.

You felt his arms wrap around you and his face buried into your neck.

"Hey, Ghost King." You greeted. You had gotten used to him shadow traveling behind you randomly.

He mumbled something into your neck and his grip around you tightened as he pulled you as close as he could into his chest.

"Someone's touchy." You commented, smiling softly.

"You haven't cuddled me since yesterday. I'm being touch starved." He grumbled into your neck.

Believe it or not, when it came to you, he got touchy. He would always have an arm around you, and you knew why. He loved you, and he never got to hug Bianca before she left, so he kept you close. That way he wouldn't lose you.

"You haven't been cuddled since yesterday?" You faked sympathy. "We're going to have to change that aren't we?"

He nodded his head and tried to pull you closer.

You laughed at his antics.

"Come on." You said. You started to walk over to his cabin, and he moved to where he had his arm tightly around your waist, ignoring the stares.

You opened the door and made your way over to his bed. He sat down and pulled you with him.

"Who pissed you off today?" You asked, manuvering to where you sat comfortably on his lap.

"Some guys were talking about you. Calling you sexy and such." He grumbled.

You blushed, "I'm not that pretty."

Nico took his head out of your neck and glared at you.

"You're right, you aren't. You're so much more." He said, kissing your cheek, which had heated up even more.

"Ah, I'd have to disagree." You said, bopping his nose.

"Words can't describe how beautiful you are. And if you deny it, there will be consequences." He threatened.

Your eyes widened as you realized what he meant.

"Nico!" You exclaimed, flustered even more.

"Come closer." He whined, pulling you as close as you could get.

"I don't think I can." You said, turning your head to look at him.

He pouted, and laid down on his side, dragging you with him.

You made a small squeak because of how unexpected his actions were.

He pulled you as close as possible, to the point where you could feel his breath on your ear. He entangled his legs with yours and you gave a small laugh.

"You're so comfy." You said, trying to get as close as possible to him.

He didn't reply, and you realized he was already asleep, his soft breath tickling your ear.

"Love you, Neeks." You said, closing your eyes.

He mumbled something before you fell peacefully asleep.


Everyone have an amazing day/night!


Questions ----------------------------------->

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